Anders Grimsmo
Anders Grimsmo
Professor emeritus, Norwegian University og Science and Technology, Trondheim
確認したメール アドレス: ntnu.no
Development of a patient-centred care pathway across healthcare providers: a qualitative study
T Røsstad, H Garåsen, A Steinsbekk, O Sletvold, A Grimsmo
BMC health services research 13, 1-9, 2013
Instant availability of patient records, but diminished availability of patient information: a multi-method study of GP's use of electronic patient records
T Christensen, A Grimsmo
BMC medical informatics and decision making 8, 1-8, 2008
Patients, diagnoses and processes in general practice in the Nordic countries. An attempt to make data from computerised medical records available for comparable statistics
A Grimsmo, E Hagman, E Falko, L Matthiessen, T Njálsson
Scandinavian journal of primary health care 19 (2), 76-82, 2001
Assessment of left ventricular function by GPs using pocket-sized ultrasound
OC Mjølstad, SR Snare, L Folkvord, F Helland, A Grimsmo, H Torp, ...
Family practice 29 (5), 534-540, 2012
Integrated care services: lessons learned from the deployment of the NEXES project
C Hernandez, A Alonso, J Garcia-Aymerich, A Grimsmo, T Vontetsianos, ...
International journal of integrated care 15, 2015
Multidose drug dispensing and discrepancies between medication records
LJ Wekre, O Spigset, O Sletvold, JK Sund, A Grimsmo
Quality and Safety in Health care 19 (5), e42-e42, 2010
Implementing a care pathway for elderly patients, a comparative qualitative process evaluation in primary care
T Røsstad, H Garåsen, A Steinsbekk, E Håland, L Kristoffersen, ...
BMC Health Services Research 15, 1-9, 2015
A collaborative chain out of phase
B Paulsen, TI Romøren, A Grimsmo
International journal of integrated care 13, 2013
Disease-specific clinical pathways–are they feasible in primary care? A mixed-methods study
A Grimsmo, A Løhre, T Røsstad, I Gjerde, I Heiberg, A Steinsbekk
Scandinavian journal of primary health care 36 (2), 152-160, 2018
Integrated care in Norway: the state of affairs years after regulation by law
J Bjerkan, M Richter, A Grimsmo, R Hellesø, J Brender
International journal of integrated care 11, 2011
Hvordan har kommunene løst utfordringen med utskrivningsklare pasienter?
A Grimsmo
Sykepleien Forskning, 2013
Samhandlingsreformen i Norge
A Grimsmo, R Kirchhoff, T Aarseth
Fagbokforlaget, 2015
Toward increased patient safety? Electronic communication of medication information between nurses in home health care and general practitioners
M Lyngstad, L Melby, A Grimsmo, R Hellesø
Home Health Care Management & Practice 25 (5), 203-211, 2013
Closing information gaps with shared electronic patient summaries––How much will it matter?
VM Remen, A Grimsmo
International journal of medical informatics 80 (11), 775-781, 2011
Factors affecting primary health care utilization
A Grimsmo, H Siem
Family Practice 1 (3), 155-161, 1984
Hospital admissions from nursing homes: rates and reasons
K Krüger, K Jansen, A Grimsmo, GE Eide, JT Geitung
Nursing research and practice 2011 (1), 247623, 2011
Early experiences with the multidose drug dispensing system–A matter of trust?
LJ Wekre, L Melby, A Grimsmo
Scandinavian journal of primary health care 29 (1), 45-50, 2011
Norwegians GPs’ use of electronic patient record systems
T Christensen, A Faxvaag, H Lærum, A Grimsmo
International journal of medical informatics 78 (12), 808-814, 2009
Anonymization of general practioner medical records
A Tveit, O Edsberg, TB Rost, A Faxvaag, O Nytro, T Nordgard, MT Ranang, ...
second HelsIT Conference, 2004
Short-term and long-term effects of lay groups on weight reduction.
A Grimsmo, G Helgesen, C Borchgrevink
Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 283 (6299), 1093-1095, 1981
論文 1–20