Danielle Saadeh, RN, BSN, MPH, PhD
Danielle Saadeh, RN, BSN, MPH, PhD
その他の名前Danielle Saade
INSPECT-LB (National Institute of Public Health, Clinical Epidemiology, and Toxicology- Lebanon
確認したメール アドレス: inspect-lb.org
Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Lebanese hospitals: retrospective nationwide compiled data
K Chamoun, M Farah, G Araj, Z Daoud, R Moghnieh, P Salameh, ...
International journal of infectious diseases 46, 64-70, 2016
Diet and allergic diseases among population aged 0 to 18 years: myth or reality?
D Saadeh, P Salameh, I Baldi, C Raherison
Nutrients 5 (9), 3399-3423, 2013
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) among nurses in Lebanon
D Saadeh, H Sacre, S Hallit, R Farah, P Salameh
Perspectives in psychiatric care 57 (3), 1212-1221, 2021
Prevalence and association of asthma and allergic sensitization with dietary factors in schoolchildren: data from the french six cities study
D Saadeh, P Salameh, D Caillaud, D Charpin, F De Blay, C Kopferschmitt, ...
BMC Public Health 15, 1-11, 2015
Waterpipe smoking and dependence are associated with chronic bronchitis: a case-control study in Lebanon
P Salameh, M Waked, F Khoury, Z Akiki, Z Nasser, L Abou Abbass, ...
EMHJ-Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 18 (10), 996-1004, 2012, 2012
Stigma toward people with COVID-19 among the Lebanese population: a cross-sectional study of correlates and mediating effects
C Haddad, S Bou Malhab, D Malaeb, H Sacre, D Saadeh, V Mourtada, ...
BMC psychology 9, 1-15, 2021
High body mass index and allergies in schoolchildren: the French six cities study
D Saadeh, P Salameh, D Caillaud, D Charpin, F de Blay, C Kopferschmitt, ...
BMJ open respiratory research 1 (1), e000054, 2014
Exposure to outdoor air pollution and chronic bronchitis in adults: a case-control study
P Salameh, J Salame, G Khayat, A Akhdar, C Ziadeh, S Azizi, F Khoury, ...
Blood stream infections due to multidrug-resistant organisms among spinal cord-injured patients, epidemiology over 16 years and associated risks: a comparative study
A Dinh, M Saliba, D Saadeh, F Bouchand, A Descatha, AL Roux, ...
Spinal Cord 54 (9), 720-725, 2016
Comparing cigarette smoking knowledge and attitudes among smokers and non-smokers
C Haddad, H Sacre, A Hajj, N Lahoud, Z Akiki, M Akel, D Saade, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (16), 19352-19362, 2020
Asthma prevalence and associated factors among lebanese adults: the first national survey
Z Akiki, D Saadeh, R Farah, S Hallit, H Sacre, H Hosseini, P Salameh
BMC Pulmonary Medicine 21 (1), 162, 2021
Outcome of bloodstream infections among spinal cord injury patients and impact of multidrug-resistant organisms
M Saliba, D Saadeh, F Bouchand, B Davido, C Duran, B Clair, ...
Spinal Cord 55 (2), 148-154, 2017
Correlates of Sub-Optimal Feeding Practices among under-5 Children amid Escalating Crises in Lebanon: A National Representative Cross-Sectional Study
M Hoteit, C Ibrahim, D Saadeh, M Al-Jaafari, M Atwi, S Alasmar, J Najm, ...
Children 9 (6), 817, 2022
Knowledge and attitudes toward cigarette and narghile smoking among previous smokers in Lebanon
Z Akiki, D Saadeh, C Haddad, H Sacre, S Hallit, P Salameh
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (12), 14100-14107, 2020
A cross-sectional study of COVID-19-related bullying in a sample of Lebanese adults: scale validation, correlates, and mediating effect of fear and anxiety
C Haddad, H Sacre, S Bou Malhab, D Malaeb, D Saadeh, C Abou Tayeh, ...
BMC psychology 9, 1-12, 2021
Bloodstream infections in older population: epidemiology, outcome, and impact of multidrug resistance
M de Laroche, L Fellous, E Salomon, D Saadeh, C Duran, F Bouchand, ...
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 40, 1665-1672, 2021
Stigma toward people with COVID-19 among the Lebanese population: a cross-sectional study of correlates and mediating effects. BMC Psychology, 9 (1), 1–15
C Haddad, S Bou Malhab, D Malaeb, H Sacre, D Saadeh, V Mourtada, ...
Eating fish and fruits are associated with lower prevalence of allergic diseases
O Lahoud, P Salameh, D Saadeh, D Charpin, C Raherison
Respiratory Medicine and Research 78, 100761, 2020
Prevalence of Essential Nutrient Supplement Use and Assessment of the Knowledge and Attitudes of Lebanese Mothers towards Dietary Supplement Practices in Maternal, Infancy and …
H Mohsen, C Ibrahim, K Bookari, D Saadeh, A Al-Jawaldeh, Y Sacre, ...
Foods 11 (19), 3005, 2022
Construire le sentiment d’auto-efficacité par l’analyse de l’activité centrée sur les schèmes. Expérimentation d’une formation à l’éthique auprès des infirmières au Liban
GK Ayle, D Saadeh
Phronesis 10 (1), 72-92, 2021
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