Cristina de la Rua
Cristina de la Rua
確認したメール アドレス: tum.de
Life cycle assessment of hydrogen from proton exchange membrane water electrolysis in future energy systems
K Bareiß, C de la Rua, M Möckl, T Hamacher
Applied Energy 237, 862-872, 2019
Life cycle environmental impacts of electricity production by solarthermal power plants in Spain
Y Lechon, C de la Rua, R Saez
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 130 (2), 021012, 2008
Análisis de Ciclo de Vida de Combustibles alternativos para el Transporte: Fase II. Análisis de Ciclo de Vida de Comparativo del Biodiésel y del Diésel: Energía y Cambio Climático
Y Lechón
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Secretaría General Técnica, Centro de …, 2005
Measured greenhouse gas budgets challenge emission savings from palm-oil biodiesel
A Meijide, C de La Rua, T Guillaume, A Röll, E Hassler, C Stiegler, A Tjoa, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1089, 2020
Assessing the three sustainability pillars through the Framework for Integrated Sustainability Assessment (FISA): Case study of a Solar Thermal Electricity project in Mexico
I Rodríguez-Serrano, N Caldés, C de la Rúa, Y Lechón
Journal of Cleaner Production 149, 1127-1143, 2017
Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) in automotive applications: environmental relevance of the manufacturing stage
D Garraín, Y Lechón, C De la Rùa
Smart Grid and Renewable Energy 2 (2), 68-74, 2011
Energy and greenhouse gas emission savings of biofuels in Spain's transport fuel. The adoption of the EU policy on biofuels
Y Lechón, H Cabal, C De La Rùa, N Caldés, M Santamaría, R Sáez
Biomass and Bioenergy 33 (6-7), 920-932, 2009
Towards a sustainable European energy system: Linking optimization models with multi-regional input-output analysis
K Siala, C de la Rúa, Y Lechón, T Hamacher
Energy Strategy Reviews 26, 100391, 2019
Integrated design and sustainable assessment of innovative biomass supply chains: A case-study on miscanthus in France
A Perrin, J Wohlfahrt, F Morandi, H Østergård, T Flatberg, C De La Rua, ...
Applied Energy 204, 66-77, 2017
How carbon-friendly is nuclear energy? A hybrid MRIO-LCA model of a Spanish facility
JE Zafrilla, MÁ Cadarso, F Monsalve, C de la Rúa
Environmental science & technology 48 (24), 14103-14111, 2014
Using the Framework for Integrated Sustainability Assessment (FISA) to expand the Multiregional Input–Output analysis to account for the three pillars of sustainability
I Rodríguez-Serrano, N Caldés, C De La Rúa, Y Lechón, A Garrido
Environment, Development and Sustainability 19, 1981-1997, 2017
Socio-economic and environmental effects of concentrated solar power in Spain: A multiregional input output analysis
B Corona, C de la Rúa, G San Miguel
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 156, 112-121, 2016
An integrated Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) Analysis of miscanthus biomass production in France: Socio-economic and climate change consequences
C de la Rúa, Y Lechón
Biomass and Bioenergy 94, 21-30, 2016
Environmental footprint and life cycle costing of a family house built on CLT structure. Analysis of hotspots and improvement measures
Y Lechón, C De la Rúa, JI Lechón
Journal of Building Engineering 39, 102239, 2021
Consequential effects of increased biofuel demand in Spain: Global crop area and CO2 emissions from indirect land use change
D Garraín, C de la Rúa, Y Lechón
Biomass and Bioenergy 85, 187-197, 2016
Impacts of Decarbonisation on the Water-Energy-Land (WEL) Nexus: A Case Study of the Spanish Electricity Sector
Y Lechon, C de la Rua, H Cabal
Energies 11 (5), 1203, 2018
Socioeconomic implications of biofuels deployment through an Input-Output approach. A case study in Uruguay
Y Lechón, C de la Rúa, I Rodríguez, N Caldés
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 104, 178-191, 2019
Environmental and economic performance of an li-ion battery pack: A multiregional input-output approach
J Sanfélix, C De la Rúa, JH Schmidt, M Messagie, J Van Mierlo
Energies 9 (8), 584, 2016
Análisis del Ciclo de Vida de Combustibles Alternativos para el Transporte. Fase i. Análisis de Ciclo de Vida Comparativo del Etanol de Cereales y de la Gasolina
Y Lechón, H Cabal, C Lago, C De la Rúa, R Sáez, M Fernández
Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas …, 2005
Life cycle environmental impacts of electricity production by solar thermal technology in Spain
Y Lechón, C de la Rúa, R Sáez
論文 1–20