Uma B.V.
Uma B.V.
確認したメール アドレス: rvce.edu.in
An electronic smart jacket for the navigation of visually impaired society
B Siddhartha, AP Chavan, BV Uma
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (4), 10665-10669, 2018
Speech enhancement algorithm to reduce the effect of background noise in mobile phones
BS Premananda, BV Uma
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks 5 (1), 177, 2013
Design and simulation of wavelet OFDM with wavelet denoising on AWGN channel
G Raju, BV Uma
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication …, 2013
Low complexity speech enhancement algorithm for improved perception in mobile devices
BS Premananda, BV Uma
Computer Networks & Communications (NetCom) Proceedings of the Fourth …, 2013
Performance enhancement and area optimization of 3× 3 NoC using random arbiter
A Jatti, BV Uma
2015 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 11-15, 2015
Selective frequency enhancement of speech signal for intelligibility improvement in presence of near-end noise
BS Premananda, BV Uma
Procedia Computer Science 49, 244-252, 2015
Uma BV Incorporating Auditory Masking Properties for Speech Enhancement in presence of Near-end Noise
BS Premananda, BV Uma
International Journal of Computer Applications 106 (15), 1-6, 2014
Area and time optimized realization of 16 point FFT and IFFT blocks by using IEEE 754 single precision complex floating point adder and multiplier
BV Uma, HR Kamath, S Mohith, V Sreekar, S Bhagirath
2015 International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques and …, 2015
Application of Stationary Wavelet Transform for improvement of Rate-Reach performance in ADSL interference environment
S Ravishankari, BV Uma
Journal of Wavelet Theory and Applications 2 (1), 83-92, 2008
Design and implementation of different architectures of montgomery modular multiplication
S Kavyashree, BV Uma
2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics …, 2017
Random arbiter and platform level design for improving the performance on 4× 4 NoC
SK Swamy, A Jatti, BV Uma
2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization …, 2016
A wavelet technique to minimize off-chip interconnect crosstalk
DR Shilpa, BV Uma
2013 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Communication, Control …, 2013
Simulation and Implementation of a practical ADSL environment on DSP Kit
KV Padmaja, BV Uma, S Ravishankar
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 22-27, 2007
Area and Power Efficient Architecture for Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer
A Baikady, BV Uma
2021 10th International Conference on Internet of Everything, Microwave …, 2021
Design and development of weight sensors based smart shopping cart and rack system for shopping malls
BK Rajithkumar, GM Deepak, BV Uma, BN Hadimani, AR Darshan, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (4), 10814-10820, 2018
Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in diabetics: Correlation with duration of diabetes
BH Krishna, M Reddy, SB Sigh, K Kumar
Biomedical Research 25 (3), 307-310, 2014
Realization of adaptive NEXT canceller for ADSL on DSP kit
BV Uma, KV Padmaja, S Ravishankar
Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Data networks, communications …, 2006
Design and Implementation of High Speed and Low Power 12-Bit SAR ADC Using 22nm FinFET.
G Vasudeva, BV Uma
Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering 18 (3), 2022
Low Voltage Low Power and High Speed OPAMP Design using High-K FinFET Device
G Vasudeva, BV Uma
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems 20, 80-87, 2021
A hierarchical approach to self-test, fault-tolerance and routing security in a Network-on-Chip
CP Ravikumar, SK Swamy, BV Uma
2019 IEEE International Test Conference India (ITC India), 1-6, 2019
論文 1–20