Dr.Vinay Kumar Jain
Dr.Vinay Kumar Jain
IFP Energies Nouvelles,France
確認したメール アドレス: ifp.fr - ホームページ
Extraction of emotions from multilingual text using intelligent text processing and computational linguistics
VK Jain, S Kumar, SL Fernandes
Journal of Computational Science, 2017
An Effective Approach to Track Levels of Influenza-A (H1N1) Pandemic in India Using Twitter
VK Jain, S Kumar
Procedia Computer Science 70, 801-807, 2015
Magnetic optimization algorithm for data clustering
N Kushwah, M Pant, SuryaKant, VK Jain
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2017
A Fuzzy Neural Network Approach for Automatic K-Complex Detection in Sleep EEG Signal
R Ranjan, R Arya, SL Fernandes, E Sravya, VK Jain
Pattern Recognition Letters, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2018.01, 2018
Deep Convolution Network for Surveillance records Super-Resolution
P Shamsolmoali, M Zareapoor, DK Jain, VK Yang,Jie ,Jain
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2018
Effective surveillance and predictive mapping of mosquito-borne diseases using social media
VK Jain, S Kumar
Journal of Computational Science 25, 406-415, 2018
Simulation and control of a complex nonlinear dynamic behavior of multi-stage evaporator using PID and Fuzzy-PID controllers
OP Verma, G Manik, VK Jain
Journal of Computational Science 25, 238-251, 2018
LeaderRank based k-means clustering initialization method for collaborative filtering
S Kant, T Mahara, VK Jain, DK Jain, AK Sangaiah
Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2017
Minimization of energy consumption in multiple stage evaporator using Genetic Algorithm
OP Verma, G Manik, VK Jain, DK Jain, W Haoxiang
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, 2017
Towards Prediction of Election Outcomes Using Social Media
VK Jain, S Kumar
Intelligent Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 12, 20-28, 2017
Big data analytic using cloud computing
VK Jain, S Kumar
2015 Second International Conference on Advances in Computing and …, 2015
Improving Customer Experience using Sentiment Analysis in E-commerce
VK Jain, S Kumar
Handbook of Research on Intelligent Techniques and Modeling Applications in …, 2016
A Study of Factors Affecting Customer Shopping Behavior.
R Attri, V Jain
IUP Journal of Marketing Management 17 (1), 2018
Sentiment Recognition in Customer Reviews Using Deep Learning
VK Jain, S Kumar, P Mahanti
International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS) 14 (2), 2018
Green supply chain management practices in automobile industry: An empirical study
VK Jain, S Sharma
Journal of Supply Chain Management Systems 1 (3), 20, 2012
Predictive Analysis of Emotions for Improving Customer Services
VK Jain, S Kumar
Applying Predictive Analytics within the Service Sector, 2017
Blockcloud: Blockchain with cloud computing
N Sanghi, R Bhatnagar, G Kaur, V Jain
2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication …, 2018
Real Time Eye Blink Extraction Circuit Design from EEG Signal for ALS Patients
R Ranjan, R Arya, P Kshirsagar, VK Jain, DK Jain, AK Sangaiah
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 2017
A Novel Approach to Track Public Emotions Related to Epidemics In Multilingual Data
VK Jain, S Kumar, N Jain, P Verma
2nd International Conference and Youth School Information Technology and …, 2016
Fuzzy logic based similarity measure for multimedia contents recommendation
S Kant, T Mahara, VK Jain, DK Jain
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017
論文 1–20