Gregor Goetzl
Gregor Goetzl
Geothermal research, Geological survey of Austria
確認したメール アドレス: geologie.ac.at
Governance of shallow geothermal energy resources
A García-Gil, G Goetzl, MR Kłonowski, S Borovic, DP Boon, C Abesser, ...
Energy Policy 138, 111283, 2020
The clean energy transition of heating and cooling in touristic infrastructures using shallow geothermal energy in the Canary Islands
JC Santamarta, A García-Gil, M del Cristo Expósito, E Casañas, ...
Renewable Energy 171, 505-515, 2021
TAP-Thermal aquifer Potential: A quantitative method to assess the spatial potential for the thermal use of groundwater
F Böttcher, A Casasso, G Götzl, K Zosseder
Renewable Energy 142, 85-95, 2019
Identifying key locations for shallow geothermal use in Vienna
C Tissen, K Menberg, SA Benz, P Bayer, C Steiner, G Götzl, P Blum
Renewable Energy 167, 1-19, 2021
Outline and joint characterization of transboundary geothermal reservoirs at the western part of the Pannonian basin
Á Rotár-Szalkai, A Nádor, T Szőcs, G Maros, G Goetzl, F Zekiri
Geothermics 70, 1-16, 2017
Lithospheric scale 3D thermal model of the Alpine–Pannonian transition zone
L Lenkey, D Raáb, G Goetzl, A Lapanje, A Nádor, D Rajver, ...
Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica 52, 161-182, 2017
Geothermal energy use, country update for Austria
J Goldbrunner, G Goetzl
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Hague, The Neatherlands, 24-29, 2019
Novel district heating systems: Methods and simulation results
D Huber, V Illyés, V Turewicz, G Götzl, A Hammer, K Ponweiser
Energies 14 (15), 4450, 2021
The GRETA project: the contribution of near-surface geothermal energy for the energetic self-sufficiency of Alpine regions
A Casasso, B Piga, R Sethi, J Prestor, S Pestotnik, M Bottig, G Goetzl, ...
Acque Sotterranee-Italian Journal of Groundwater 6 (1), 2017
Summary report of the supra-regional hydrogeological model
G Tóth, Á Rotár-Szalkai, T Kerékgyártó, T Szőcs, E Gáspár, A Lapanje, ...
Report of TRANSENRGY project, 2012
Improving the Efficiency of District Heating and Cooling Using a Geothermal Technology: Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES)
JM Chicco, D Antonijevic, M Bloemendal, F Cecinato, G Goetzl, M Hajto, ...
INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: New Metropolitan Perspectives, 1699-1710, 2022
The non-planar surface of carbonate rock sample affecting the behaviour of thermal response and the measurement of thermophysical parameters by Pulse Transient Technique
R Tiwari, V Boháč, P Dieška, G Goetzl
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 24, 100927, 2021
Strategies for Fostering the Use of Shallow Geothermal Energy for Heating and Cooling in Central Europe-Results from the Interreg Central Europe Project GeoPLASMA-CE
G Goetzl, G Dilger, R Grimm, K Hofmann, J Holecek, R Cernak, M Janza, ...
Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 1, 17, 2020
GeoMol-geologische 3D-Modellierung des österreichischen Molassebeckens und Anwendungen in der Hydrogeologie und Geothermie im Grenzgebiet von Oberösterreich und Bayern
S Pfleiderer, G Götzl
Geologische Bundesanstalt, 2016
Geothermal potential of the brenner base tunnel—initial evaluations
T Geisler, K Voit, U Burger, T Cordes, F Lehner, G Götzl, M Wolf, ...
Processes 10 (5), 972, 2022
Benchmarking-Indicators of sustainability of thermal groundwater management
J Prestor, T Szőcs, N Rman, A Nádor, R Černák, A Lapanje, G Schubert, ...
Proc, World Geothermal Congress, IGA, Melbourne, 2015
Shallow geothermal energy systems for district heating and cooling networks: Review and technological progression through case studies
JS Figueira, AG Gil, A Vieira, AK Michopoulos, DP Boon, F Loveridge, ...
Renewable Energy 236, 121436, 2024
Tiefe Geothermie-Projekte in Deutschland 2021/2022
G Dilger, A Deinhardt, D Reimer, K Link, K Zwicklhuber, G Götzl
Geotherm. Énerg 30, 100, 2021
Thermal properties of limestone rock by pulse transient technique using slab model accounting the heat transfer coefficient and heat capacity of heat source
R Tiwari, V Boháč, P Dieška, G Götzl
AIP Conference Proceedings 2305 (1), 2020
Geothermal-DHC, European research network on geothermal energy in heating and cooling networks
G Goetzl, D Milenic, C Schifflechner
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 1, 2020
論文 1–20