Bryan Harder
Bryan Harder
NASA Glenn Research Center
確認したメール アドレス: nasa.gov
Oxidation transitions for SiC part I. Active‐to‐passive transitions
N Jacobson, B Harder, D Myers
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96 (3), 838-844, 2013
Transport and defect mechanisms in cuprous delafossites. 2. CuScO2 and CuYO2
BJ Ingram, BJ Harder, NW Hrabe, TO Mason, KR Poeppelmeier
Chemistry of materials 16 (26), 5623-5629, 2004
Oxidation transitions for SiC part II. Passive‐to‐active transitions
B Harder, N Jacobson, D Myers
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 96 (2), 606-612, 2013
High-Temperature thermochemical interactions of molten silicates with Yb2Si2O7 and Y2Si2O7 environmental barrier coating materials
JL Stokes, BJ Harder, VL Wiesner, DE Wolfe
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (15), 5059-5067, 2019
A 3D printable alloy designed for extreme environments
TM Smith, CA Kantzos, NA Zarkevich, BJ Harder, M Heczko, PR Gradl, ...
Nature 617 (7961), 513-518, 2023
Oxidation performance of Si-HfO2 environmental barrier coating bond coats deposited via plasma spray-physical vapor deposition
BJ Harder
Surface and Coatings Technology 384, 125311, 2020
Chemical and mechanical consequences of environmental barrier coating exposure to calcium–magnesium–aluminosilicate
BJ Harder, J Ramìrez‐Rico, JD Almer, KN Lee, KT Faber
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94, s178-s185, 2011
Process-structure-property relations for the erosion durability of plasma spray-physical vapor deposition (PS-PVD) thermal barrier coatings
MP Schmitt, BJ Harder, DE Wolfe
Surface and Coatings Technology 297, 11-18, 2016
Residual stress analysis of multilayer environmental barrier coatings
BJ Harder, JD Almer, CM Weyant, KN Lee, KT Faber
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 (2), 452-459, 2009
Thermochemistry of calcium rare‐earth silicate oxyapatites
G Costa, BJ Harder, NP Bansal, BA Kowalski, JL Stokes
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 (2), 1446-1453, 2020
Microstructure segmentation with deep learning encoders pre-trained on a large microscopy dataset
J Stuckner, B Harder, TM Smith
npj Computational Materials 8 (1), 200, 2022
Effects of crystal structure and cation size on molten silicate reactivity with environmental barrier coating materials
JL Stokes, BJ Harder, VL Wiesner, DE Wolfe
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 (1), 622-634, 2020
Thermodynamics of reaction between gas‐turbine ceramic coatings and ingested CMAS corrodents
G Costa, BJ Harder, VL Wiesner, D Zhu, N Bansal, KN Lee, NS Jacobson, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102 (5), 2948-2964, 2019
High-temperature interactions of desert sand CMAS glass with yttrium disilicate environmental barrier coating material
VL Wiesner, BJ Harder, NP Bansal
Ceramics International 44 (18), 22738-22743, 2018
Plasma spray-physical vapor deposition (PS-PVD) of ceramics for protective coatings
BJ Harder, D Zhu
35th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, 2011
Calcium–magnesium aluminosilicate (CMAS) interactions with ytterbium silicate environmental barrier coating material at elevated temperatures
VL Wiesner, D Scales, NS Johnson, BJ Harder, A Garg, NP Bansal
Ceramics International 46 (10), 16733-16742, 2020
Oxidative durability of TBCs on Ti2AlC MAX phase substrates
JL Smialek, BJ Harder, A Garg
Surface and Coatings Technology 285, 77-86, 2016
Microstructural effects and properties of non-line-of-sight coating processing via plasma spray-physical vapor deposition
BJ Harder, D Zhu, MP Schmitt, DE Wolfe
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 26, 1052-1061, 2017
Transformation kinetics in plasma-sprayed barium-and strontium-doped aluminosilicate (BSAS)
BJ Harder, KT Faber
Scripta Materialia 62 (5), 282-285, 2010
Load partitioning in honeycomb-like silicon carbide aluminum alloy composites
TE Wilkes, BJ Harder, JD Almer, KT Faber
Acta materialia 57 (20), 6234-6242, 2009
論文 1–20