Dr. Manoj Mishra
Dr. Manoj Mishra
SciSER, SKSC, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai-77
確認したメール アドレス: somaiya.edu - ホームページ
Nonlinear evolution of cosh-Gaussian laser beams and generation of flat top spatial solitons in cubic quintic nonlinear media
S Konar, M Mishra, S Jana
Physics Letters A 362 (5-6), 505-510, 2007
High bit rate dense dispersion managed optical communication systems with distributed amplification
M Mishra, S Konar
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 78, 301-320, 2008
Induced focusing and all optical switching in cubic quintic nonlinear media
S Konar, S Jana, M Mishra
Optics Communications 255 (1-3), 114-129, 2005
Interaction of solitons in a dispersion managed optical communication system with asymmetric dispersion map
M Mishra, S Konar
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 21 (14), 2049-2058, 2007
Dispersion-managed optical solitons with higher-order nonlinearity
S Konar, M Mishra, S Jana
Fiber and integrated optics 24 (6), 537-548, 2005
Investigation on propagation characteristics of super-Gaussian beam in highly nonlocal medium
M Mishra, WP Hong
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B 31, 175-188, 2011
Generation, dynamics and bifurcation of high power soliton beams in cubic-quintic nonlocal nonlinear media
M Mishra, SK Kajala, M Sharma, S Konar, S Jana
Journal of Optics 24 (5), 055504, 2022
The effect of quintic nonlinearity on the propagation characteristics of dispersion managed optical solitons
S Konar, M Mishra, S Jana
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 29 (4), 823-828, 2006
Effect of higher order nonlinearities on induced focusing and on the conversion of circular Gaussian laser beams into elliptic Gaussian laser beams
S Konar, M Mishra
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 7 (10), 576, 2005
Energy optimization of diffraction managed accessible solitons
M Mishra, SK Kajala, M Sharma, S Konar, S Jana
JOSA B 39 (10), 2804-2812, 2022
Soliton switching in fiber coupler with periodically modulated dispersion, coupling constant dispersion and cubic quintic nonlinearity
S Jana, S Konar, M Mishra
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 63 (3-4), 145-151, 2008
Compact MIM plasmonic ring resonator for nano-interconnect applications
M Mishra, M Sharma, P Gupta
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 130, 114711, 2021
The role of asymmetry of dispersion map in dispersion managed optical communication system possessing quintic nonlinearity
M Mishra, WP Hong
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 58, 1614-1617, 2011
Asymmetric impact of higher order diffraction on narrow beam dynamics in nonlocal nonlinear media
M Mishra, SK Kajala, S Shwetanshumala, M Sharma, S Jana
Applied Physics B 129 (12), 194, 2023
The dynamics, stability and Modulation Instability of Gaussian beams in nonlocal nonlinear media
M Mishra, K Meena, D Yadav, B Singh, S Jana
The European Physical Journal B 96, 109, 2023
Interaction dynamics of accessible solitons in highly nonlocal cubic-quintic nonlinear media,
S Jana, M Sharma, B Singh, SK Kajala, M Mishra
Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2022, JTu5A.21,, 2022
Stabilizing the optical beam in higher-order nonlocal nonlinear media,
M Mishra, SK Kajala, M Sharma, B Singh, S Jana
Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2022, JTu5A.42, 2022
Propagation characteristics of optical beam in a diffraction managed highly nonlocal media
M Sharma, SK Kajala, B Singh, M Mishra
Frontiers in Optics, JW7A. 40, 2021
Enhanced supercontinuum by tan-hyperbolic Gaussian pulses
M Sharma, A Kumar, M Nath, M Mishra, N Borgohain
Journal of Nanophotonics 16 (2), 026007-026007, 2022
Gaussian beam in highly nonlocal nonlinear medium
M Mishra, PP Paltani, B Singh, K Singh
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 83 (5), 673-677, 2013
論文 1–20