Kristen Macuga
Kristen Macuga
Associate Professor of Psychology, Oregon State University
確認したメール アドレス: oregonstate.edu
Neural representations involved in observed, imagined, and imitated actions are dissociable and hierarchically organized
KL Macuga, SH Frey
Neuroimage 59 (3), 2798-2807, 2012
Predicting the effects of cellular-phone dialing on driver performance
DD Salvucci, KL Macuga
Cognitive Systems Research 3 (1), 95-102, 2002
Selective responses in right inferior frontal and supramarginal gyri differentiate between observed movements of oneself vs. another
KL Macuga, SH Frey
Neuropsychologia 49 (5), 1202-1207, 2011
Changing lanes: Inertial cues and explicit path information facilitate steering performance when visual feedback is removed
KL Macuga, AC Beall, JW Kelly, RS Smith, JM Loomis
Experimental brain research 178, 141-150, 2007
Long range interactions between object-motion and self-motion in the perception of movement in depth
R Gray, K Macuga, D Regan
Vision Research 44 (2), 179-195, 2004
Decoding collective communications using information theory tools
KR Pilkiewicz, BH Lemasson, MA Rowland, A Hein, J Sun, A Berdahl, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17 (164), 20190563, 2020
Motor imagery of tool use: relationship to actual use and adherence to Fitts’ law across tasks
KL Macuga, AP Papailiou, SH Frey
Experimental brain research 218, 169-179, 2012
Perception of heading without retinal optic flow
KL Macuga, JM Loomis, AC Beall, JW Kelly
Perception & Psychophysics 68 (5), 872-878, 2006
Improved driver responses at intersections with red signal countdown timers
MR Islam, DS Hurwitz, KL Macuga
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 63, 207-221, 2016
Differential contributions of the superior and inferior parietal cortex to feedback versus feedforward control of tools
KL Macuga, SH Frey
Neuroimage 92, 36-45, 2014
Visual control of action without retinal optic flow
JM Loomis, AC Beall, KL Macuga, JW Kelly, RS Smith
Psychological Science 17 (3), 214-221, 2006
Predicting the effects of cell-phone dialing on driver performance
DD Salvucci, KL Macuga
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, 25-30, 2001
Learning movements from a virtual instructor: Effects of spatial orientation, immersion, and expertise.
J LaFortune, KL Macuga
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 24 (4), 521-533, 2018
Usability evaluation of an interactive decision support system for user-guided design of scenarios of watershed conservation practices
AD Piemonti, KL Macuga, M Babbar-Sebens
Journal of Hydroinformatics 19 (5), 701-718, 2017
Simultaneous measurement of steering performance and perceived heading on a curving path
JW Kelly, AC Beall, JM Loomis, RS Smith, KL Macuga
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) 3 (2), 83-94, 2006
Goal directed aiming under restricted viewing conditions with confirmatory sensory feedback
JD Bell, KL Macuga
Human Movement Science 67, 102515, 2019
Visual control of steering in curve driving
KL Macuga, AC Beall, RS Smith, JM Loomis
Journal of Vision 19 (5), 1-12, 2019
Drivers’ visual attention during the onset of the circular yellow indication at high-speed signalized intersections
H Aswad Mohammed, DS Hurwitz, KL Macuga
Traffic injury prevention 21 (4), 259-264, 2020
Are tools truly incorporated as an extension of the body representation?: Assessing the evidence for tool embodiment
JD Bell, KL Macuga
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 29 (2), 343-368, 2022
Towards safer bicyclist responses to the presence of a truck near an urban loading zone: Analysis of bicyclist perceived level of comfort
MG Abadi, DS Hurwitz, KL Macuga
Journal of safety research 71, 181-190, 2019
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