Chloe Bedard
Chloe Bedard
確認したメール アドレス: uwaterloo.ca
A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of physically active classrooms on educational and enjoyment outcomes in school age children
C Bedard, L St John, E Bremer, JD Graham, J Cairney
PloS one 14 (6), e0218633, 2019
A longitudinal study of sport participation and perceived social competence in youth
C Bedard, S Hanna, J Cairney
Journal of Adolescent Health 66 (3), 352-359, 2020
A construct validation study of PLAYfun
J Cairney, S Veldhuizen, JD Graham, C Rodriguez, C Bedard, E Bremer, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 50 (4), 855-862, 2018
Towards a physical literacy framework to guide the design, implementation and evaluation of early childhood movement-based interventions targeting cognitive development
J Cairney, C Bedard, D Dudley, D Kriellaars
Annals of sports medicine and research 3 (4), 1073-1-1073-5, 2016
Examining the effectiveness of a pilot physical literacy–based intervention targeting first-year university students: the PLUS program
MYW Kwan, JD Graham, C Bedard, E Bremer, C Healey, J Cairney
Sage Open 9 (2), 2158244019850248, 2019
The association between PLAYfun and physical activity: a convergent validation study
E Bremer, JD Graham, C Bedard, C Rodriguez, D Kriellaars, J Cairney
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 91 (2), 179-187, 2020
Evaluation of a direct-instruction intervention to improve movement and preliteracy skills among young children: A within-subject repeated-measures design
C Bedard, E Bremer, W Campbell, J Cairney
Frontiers in pediatrics 5, 298, 2018
Self‐reported oral health at baseline of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
CW Bassim, MI MacEntee, S Nazmul, C Bedard, S Liu, J Ma, LE Griffith, ...
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology 48 (1), 72-80, 2020
Association between physical activity and fundamental movement skills in preschool-aged children: does perceived movement skill competence mediate this relationship?
Q He, JYY Ng, J Cairney, C Bedard, ASC Ha
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (3), 1289, 2021
A quasi-experimental study of a movement and preliteracy program for 3-and 4-year-old children
C Bedard, E Bremer, W Campbell, J Cairney
Frontiers in pediatrics 5, 94, 2017
Examining the effects of acute cognitively engaging physical activity on cognition in children
C Bedard, E Bremer, JD Graham, D Chirico, J Cairney
Frontiers in psychology 12, 653133, 2021
Systematic review: Can non-mydriatic cameras accurately detect diabetic retinopathy?
C Bedard, SS Liu, C Patterson, H Gerstein, L Griffith
Diabetes research and clinical practice 129, 154-159, 2017
Evaluation of the Move 2 Learn program, a community-based movement and pre-literacy intervention for young children
C Bedard, E Bremer, J Cairney
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 25 (1), 101-117, 2020
Understanding environmental and contextual influences of physical activity during first-year university: the feasibility of using ecological momentary assessment in the MovingU …
C Bedard, S King-Dowling, M McDonald, G Dunton, J Cairney, M Kwan
JMIR public health and surveillance 3 (2), e7010, 2017
Family functioning and health-related quality of life in parents of children with mental illness
M Reed, C Bedard, CM Perlman, DT Browne, MA Ferro
Journal of Child and Family Studies 32 (11), 3366-3377, 2023
The acceptability and feasibility of a preschool intervention targeting motor, social, and emotional development
ME James, C Bedard, E Bremer, J Cairney
Frontiers in Pediatrics 8, 319, 2020
Effect of cognitively engaging physical activity on executive functions in children
R Bulten, C Bedard, JD Graham, J Cairney
Frontiers in Psychology 13 (2022), 2022
MovingU: A prospective cohort study to understand behavioural and environmental contexts influencing physical activity during the transition into emerging adulthood
MYW Kwan, C Bedard, S King-Dowling, S Wellman, J Cairney
BMC public health 16, 1-8, 2016
Associations between parent perceived social cognitive factors and child objectively measured physical activity behaviors among preschool-aged children
Q He, ASC Ha, JYY Ng, J Cairney, C Bedard
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 61, 102200, 2022
Acute Effects of an afterschool running and reading program on executive functioning in children: an exploratory study
JD Graham, E Bremer, C Bedard, P Dutta, M Ogrodnik, J Cairney
Frontiers in Public Health 8, 593916, 2020
論文 1–20