Bernd Kuhlenkötter
Bernd Kuhlenkötter
その他の名前Bernd Kuhlenkoetter, B. Kuhlenkötter, B. Kuhlenkoetter
Professor, Production Systems, Ruhr University Bochum
確認したメール アドレス: lps.rub.de - ホームページ
Learning factory modules for smart factories in industrie 4.0
C Prinz, F Morlock, S Freith, N Kreggenfeld, D Kreimeier, B Kuhlenkötter
Procedia CiRp 54, 113-118, 2016
Systematic review on machine learning (ML) methods for manufacturing processes–Identifying artificial intelligence (AI) methods for field application
S Fahle, C Prinz, B Kuhlenkötter
Procedia CIRP 93, 413-418, 2020
Lean meets Industrie 4.0–a practical approach to interlink the method world and cyber-physical world
C Prinz, N Kreggenfeld, B Kuhlenkötter
Procedia Manufacturing 23, 21-26, 2018
New perspectives for generating smart PSS solutions–life cycle, methodologies and transformation
B Kuhlenkötter, U Wilkens, B Bender, M Abramovici, T Süße, J Göbel, ...
Procedia Cirp 64, 217-222, 2017
A local process model for simulation of robotic belt grinding
X Ren, M Cabaravdic, X Zhang, B Kuhlenkötter
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 47 (6), 962-970, 2007
An efficient method for solving the Signorini problem in the simulation of free-form surfaces produced by belt grinding
X Zhang, B Kuhlenkötter, K Kneupner
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 45 (6), 641-648, 2005
Concept for an evolutionary maturity based Industrie 4.0 migration model
L Stefan, W Thom, L Dominik, K Dieter, K Bernd
Procedia Cirp 72, 404-409, 2018
Key challenges of digital business ecosystem development and how to cope with them
K Lenkenhoff, U Wilkens, M Zheng, T Süße, B Kuhlenkötter, X Ming
Procedia Cirp 73, 167-172, 2018
Automatic classification of defects on the product surface in grinding and polishing
X Zhang, C Krewet, B Kuhlenkötter
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 46 (1), 59-69, 2006
Handbuch Mensch-Roboter-Kollaboration
R Müller, J Franke, D Henrich, B Kuhlenkötter, A Raatz, A Verl
Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH Co KG, 2023
Learning factories’ trainings as an enabler of proactive workers’ participation regarding Industrie 4.0
M Reuter, H Oberc, M Wannöffel, D Kreimeier, J Klippert, P Pawlicki, ...
Procedia Manufacturing 9, 354-360, 2017
Real-time simulation and visualization of robotic belt grinding processes
X Ren, B Kuhlenkötter
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 35, 1090-1099, 2008
Simulation and verification of belt grinding with industrial robots
X Ren, B Kuhlenkötter, H Müller
International journal of machine tools and manufacture 46 (7-8), 708-716, 2006
Teaching methods-time measurement (MTM) for workplace design in learning factories
F Morlock, N Kreggenfeld, L Louw, D Kreimeier, B Kuhlenkötter
Procedia Manufacturing 9, 369-375, 2017
Implementation of a learning environment for an Industrie 4.0 assistance system to improve the overall equipment effectiveness
C Prinz, D Kreimeier, B Kuhlenkötter
Procedia manufacturing 9, 159-166, 2017
A non-quadratic constitutive model under non-associated flow rule of sheet metals with anisotropic hardening: modeling and experimental validation
J Min, JE Carsley, J Lin, Y Wen, B Kuhlenkötter
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 119, 343-359, 2016
Human‐robot collaboration–new applications in industrial robotics
C Thomas, B Matthias, B Kuhlenkötter
International conference on competitive manufacturing, 293-299, 2016
Dynamic performance of industrial robot in corner path with CNC controller
K Wu, C Krewet, B Kuhlenkötter
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 54, 156-161, 2018
Cyber physical systems for life cycle continuous technical documentation of manufacturing facilities
A Barthelmey, D Störkle, B Kuhlenkötter, J Deuse
Procedia Cirp 17, 207-211, 2014
Application and analysis of force control strategies to deburring and grinding
F Domroes, C Krewet, B Kuhlenkoetter
Modern Mechanical Engineering 3 (02), 11-18, 2013
論文 1–20