Pramod Kumar Kewat
Pramod Kumar Kewat
IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
確認したメール アドレス: iitism.ac.in
On cyclic codes over the ring
AK Singh, PK Kewat
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 74, 1-13, 2015
On the local and global exterior square -functions of
PK Kewat, R Raghunathan
Mathematical Research Letters 19 (4), 785-804, 2012
Cyclic codes over the ring Zp [u, v]/< u2, v2, uv− vu
PK Kewat, B Ghosh, S Pattanayak
Finite Fields and Their Applications 34, 161-175, 2015
The local exterior square L-function: Holomorphy, non-vanishing and Shalika functionals
PK Kewat
Journal of Algebra 347 (1), 153-172, 2011
Cyclic codes from the second class two-prime Whiteman’s generalized cyclotomic sequence with order 6
PK Kewat, P Kumari
Cryptography and Communications 9, 475-499, 2017
Cyclic codes over the ring Z _p u, v/⟨ u^ 2, v^ 2, uv-vu ⟩ Z p u, v/⟨ u 2, v 2, uv-vu⟩
PK Kewat, B Ghosh, S Pattanayak
Finite Fields Their Appl. 34, 161-175, 2015
On constacyclic codes of length ps over Fpm [u, v]∕< u2, v2, uv− vu
HQ Dinh, PK Kewat, S Kushwaha, W Yamaka
Discrete Mathematics 343 (8), 111890, 2020
Lee Distance of (4z – 1)-Constacyclic Codes of Length 2s Over the Galois Ring GR(2a,m)
HQ Dinh, PK Kewat, NK Mondal
IEEE Communications Letters 25 (7), 2114-2117, 2021
2-adic and linear complexities of a class of Whiteman's generalized cyclotomic sequences of order four
P Kumari, PK Kewat
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2019
Two classes of few-Lee weight Z2 [u]-linear codes using simplicial complexes and minimal codes via Gray map
PK Kewat, NK Mondal
Discrete Mathematics 346 (12), 113650, 2023
Lee distance of cyclic and (1+ uγ)-constacyclic codes of length 2s over F2m+ uF2m
HQ Dinh, PK Kewat, NK Mondal
Discrete Mathematics 344 (11), 112551, 2021
Constacyclic codes of length over mixed alphabets
HQ Dinh, T Bag, PK Kewat, S Pathak, AK Upadhyay, W Chinnakum
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 1-26, 2021
Cyclic codes over Zp [u]/〈 uk〉
AK Singh, PK Kewat
Des. Codes Cryptogr 10, 0
Lee distance distribution of repeated-root constacyclic codes over GR 2 e, m and related MDS codes
HQ Dinh, PK Kewat, NK Mondal
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 68 (6), 3861-3872, 2022
Self-dual constacyclic codes of length over the ring
HQ Dinh, PK Kewat, S Kushwaha, W Yamaka
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 1-29, 2022
Cyclic codes from the first class two-prime Whiteman's generalized cyclotomic sequence with order 6
PK Kewat, P Kumari
arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.07714, 2015
Type I and Type II codes over the ring 𝔽 2+ u 𝔽 2+ v 𝔽 2+ uv 𝔽 2
Ankur, PK Kewat
Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 12 (02), 1950025, 2019
Cyclic codes over the ring $\mathbb{F}_p[u,v,w]/⟨u^2,v^2,w^2,uv−vu,vw−wv,uw−wu⟩$
PK Kewat, S Kushwaha
Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 55 (1), 115-137, 2018
Hypergeometric functions and algebraic curves
PK Kewat, R Kumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.07613, 2016
Autocorrelation values and linear complexity of generalized cyclotomic sequence of order four, and construction of cyclic codes
P Kumari, PK Kewat
arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.05467, 2015
論文 1–20