Diana Dryglas
Diana Dryglas
AGH University of Krakow Associate Professor
確認したメール アドレス: agh.edu.pl
Segmentation by push motives in health tourism destinations: A case study of Polish spa resorts
D Dryglas, M Salamaga
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 9, 234-246, 2018
Applying destination attribute segmentation to health tourists: A case study of Polish spa resorts
D Dryglas, M Salamaga
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 34 (4), 503-514, 2017
Kształtowanie produktu turystycznego uzdrowisk w Polsce
D Dryglas
Wydawnictwo UJ, 2006
Profile of tourists visiting European spa resorts: a case study of Poland
D Dryglas, P Różycki
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 9 (3), 298-317, 2017
Mining tourism, sacral and other forms of tourism practiced in antique mines-analysis of the results.
P Różycki, D Dryglas
Acta Montanistica Slovaca 22 (1), 2017
Construction of the geotourism product structure on the example of Poland
D Dryglas, K Miśkiewicz
SGEM 2014 GeoConference on Ecology, economics, education and legislation 2 …, 2014
Medical tourism services and medical tourism destinations in Central and Eastern Europe -the opinion of Britons and Germans
A Lubowiecki-Vikuk, D Dryglas
Economic Research 32 (1), 1256-1274, 2019
Czynniki wpływające na jakość i konkurencyjność usług turystycznych w miejscowościach uzdrowiskowych
T Burzyński, D Dryglas, J Golba, A Bartosik
Instytut Turystyki w Krakowie Sp. z o.o. , SGURP, 2005
Spa and wellness tourism as a spatially determined product of health resorts in Poland
D Dryglas
Current Issues of Tourism Research 2 (2), 30-38, 2012
Wellness as a new direction of development of Polish spa resorts
D Dryglas
International Journal of Spa and Wellness 3 (2-3), 69-81, 2020
Innowacje produktowe turystyki uzdrowiskowej, w: Innowacyjne kierunki rozwoju turystyki uzdrowiskowej i lecznictwa uzdrowiskowego
D Dryglas
XVIII Kongres Uzdrowisk Polskich, 167-174, 2009
Trekking as a phenomenon of tourism in the modern world
P Różycki, D Dryglas
Acta Geoturistica vol 5 (1), 24-40, 2014
Image of Poland as perceived by German and British medical tourists
D Dryglas, A Lubowiecki-Vikuk
Tourism Review, 2019
Designing a health tourism product structure in the process of marketing management
D Dryglas
PWN, 2018
Determinanty funkcjonowania i rozwoju uzdrowisk w Europie: studium przypadku Polski
D Dryglas, J Golba
Wyd. PWN, Warszawa, 2017
European spa resorts in the perception of non-commercial and commercial patients and tourists: the case study of Poland
D Dryglas, P Różycki
e-Review of Tourism Research 13 (1/2), 382-400, 2016
The Attractiveness of Poland as a Medical Tourism Destination from the Perspective of German and British Consumers
D Dryglas, A Lubowiecki-Vikuk
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 7 (2), 45-62, 2019
The development of the thermal tourism market in Poland//Rozwój rynku turystyki termalnej w Polsce
D Dryglas, A Hadzik
Geotourism/Geoturystyka, 27-27, 2016
Central and Eastern Europe as a Medical Tourism Destination: A Case Study of Poland
A Lubowiecki-Vikuk, D Dryglas
Almatourism Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development 19, 25-43, 2019
Czynniki wpływające na jakość i konkurencyjność usług turystycznych w miejscowościach uzdrowiskowych (Factors affecting the quality and competitiveness of tourism services in …
T Burzyński, D Dryglas, J Golba, A Bartosik
Institute of Tourism in Krakow, Association of Polish Spa Communities, Kraków, 2005
論文 1–20