Qichao ZHOU
Qichao ZHOU
School of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Yunnan University
確認したメール アドレス: ynu.edu.cn
Analysis of environmental drivers influencing interspecific variations and associations among bloom-forming cyanobacteria in large, shallow eutrophic lakes
K Shan, L Song, W Chen, L Li, L Liu, Y Wu, Y Jia, Q Zhou, L Peng
Harmful Algae 84, 84-94, 2019
Fluorescence peak integration ratio IC: IT as a new potential indicator tracing the compositional changes in chromophoric dissolved organic matter
Y Zhou, K Shi, Y Zhang, E Jeppesen, X Liu, Q Zhou, H Wu, X Tang, G Zhu
Science of the Total Environment 574, 1588-1598, 2017
Patterns of succession between bloom-forming cyanobacteria Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and Microcystis and related environmental factors in large, shallow …
Y Wu, L Li, L Zheng, G Dai, H Ma, K Shan, H Wu, Q Zhou, L Song
Hydrobiologia 765, 1-13, 2016
Soil-based treatments of mechanically collected cyanobacterial blooms from Lake Taihu: Efficiencies and potential risks
W Chen, Y Jia, E Li, S Zhao, Q Zhou, L Liu, L Song
Environmental Science & Technology 46 (24), 13370-13376, 2012
The relationships of meteorological factors and nutrient levels with phytoplankton biomass in a shallow eutrophic lake dominated by cyanobacteria, Lake Dianchi from 1991 to 2013
Q Zhou, Y Zhang, D Lin, K Shan, Y Luo, L Zhao, Z Tan, L Song
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (15), 15616-15626, 2016
Spatial and temporal variability in water transparency in Yunnan Plateau lakes, China
Q Zhou, W Wang, L Huang, Y Zhang, J Qin, K Li, L Chen
Aquatic Sciences 81 (2), 36, 2019
Seasonal and spatial distributions of euphotic zone and long-term variations in water transparency in a clear oligotrophic Lake Fuxian, China
Q Zhou, Y Zhang, K Li, L Huang, F Yang, Y Zhou, J Chang
Journal of Environmental Sciences 72, 185-197, 2018
Trends in Diatom Research Since 1991 Based on Topic Modeling
Y Zhang, J Tao, J Wang, L Ding, C Ding, Y Li, Q Zhou, D Li, H Zhang
Microorganisms 7 (8), 213, 2019
Total nitrogen and community turnover determine phosphorus use efficiency of phytoplankton along nutrient gradients in plateau lakes
Y Zhang, H Zhang, Q Liu, L Duan, Q Zhou
Journal of Environmental Sciences 124, 699-711, 2023
Trophic status and lake depth play important roles in determining the nutrient-chlorophyll a relationship: Evidence from thousands of lakes globally
L Zhao, R Zhu, Q Zhou, E Jeppesen, K Yang
Water Research 242, 120182, 2023
Environmental factors associated with cyanobacterial assemblages in a mesotrophic subtropical plateau lake: A focus on bloom toxicity
L Hu, K Shan, L Huang, Y Li, L Zhao, Q Zhou, L Song
Science of the Total Environment 777, 146052, 2021
Influence of sunlight on the proliferation of cyanobacterial blooms and its potential applications in Lake Taihu, China
Q Zhou, W Chen, K Shan, L Zheng, L Song
Journal of Environmental Sciences 26 (3), 626-635, 2014
Concentrations of dissolved organic matter and methane in lakes in Southwest China: Different roles of external factors and in-lake biota
Y Zhang, J Wang, J Tao, Y Zhou, H Yang, X Yang, Y Li, Q Zhou, ...
Water Research 225, 119190, 2022
Decreasing underwater ultraviolet radiation exposure strongly driven by increasing ultraviolet attenuation in lakes in eastern and southwest China
Y Zhang, K Shi, Q Zhou, Y Zhou, Y Zhang, B Qin, J Deng
Science of the Total Environment 720, 137694, 2020
Combining hydrogen peroxide addition with sunlight regulation to control algal blooms
Q Zhou, L Li, L Huang, L Guo, L Song
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25 (3), 2239-2247, 2018
Thermal mixing of Lake Erhai (Southwest China) induced by bottom heat transfer: Evidence based on observations and CE-QUAL-W2 model simulations
L Zhao, S Cheng, Y Sun, R Zou, W Ma, Q Zhou, Y Liu
Journal of Hydrology 603, 126973, 2021
Long-term effects of temperature and nutrient concentrations on the phytoplankton biomass in three lakes with differing trophic statuses on the Yungui Plateau, China
J Dong, Q Zhou, Y Gao, Q Gu, G Li, L Song
Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology 54, 9, 2018
Simultaneous elimination of cyanotoxins and PCBs via mechanical collection of cyanobacterial blooms: An application of “green-bioadsorption concept”
W Chen, Y Jia, A Liu, Q Zhou, L Song
Journal of Environmental Sciences 57, 118-126, 2017
Phytoplankton responses to solar UVR and its combination with nutrient enrichment in a plateau oligotrophic Lake Fuxian: a mesocosm experiment
Y Zhang, K Li, Q Zhou, L Chen, X Yang, H Zhang
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (23), 29931-29944, 2021
Water depth and land-use intensity indirectly determine phytoplankton functional diversity and further regulate resource use efficiency at a multi-lake scale
Q Zhou, Y Zhang, J Tao, L Ye, H Wang, K Shan, E Jeppesen, L Song
Science of the Total Environment 834, 155303, 2022
論文 1–20