Ranganayakulu Jinka
Vibration-based tool condition monitoring in milling of Ti-6Al-4V using an optimization model of GM (1, N) and SVM
KV Rao, YP Kumar, VK Singh, LS Raju, J Ranganayakulu
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 115 (5), 1931 …, 2021
Parametric analysis and a soft computing approach on material removal rate in electrochemical discharge machining
J Ranganayakulu, SS Hiremath, L Paul
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 24 (1-4), 23-39, 2011
Experimental investigation and parametric analysis of electro chemical discharge machining
L Paul, SS Hiremath, J Ranganayakulu
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 4 and 25 28 …, 2014
An optimization strategy to improve performance in electrochemical discharge machining of borosilicate glass using graph theory algorithm and desirability index
J Ranganayakulu, PV Srihari, KV Rao
Silicon 14 (10), 5241-5254, 2022
A strategy to improve performance in electrochemical discharge machining using periodic bi-directional tool rotation
J Ranganayakulu, PV Srihari, KV Rao
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 123 (5), 1459 …, 2022
Multi-objective Optimization Using Taguchi’s Loss Function-Based Principal Component Analysis in Electrochemical Discharge Machining of Micro-channels on Borosilicate Glass …
J Ranganayakulu, PV Srihari
Advances in Manufacturing Processes: Select Proceedings of ICEMMM 2018, 349-360, 2018
Heuristic search algorithm for the single-row machine layout in an automated manufacturing system
P Murthy, J Ranganayakulu, KP Vidhu, KV Rao
Procedia Technology 25, 1088-1095, 2016
Modelling of kerf width and surface roughness using vibration signals in laser beam machining of stainless steel using design of experiments
K Venkata Rao, L Suvarna Raju, G Suresh, J Ranganayakulu, J Krishna
Optics Laser Technology 169, 110146, 2024
Modelling of kerf width and surface roughness using vibration signals in laser beam machining of stainless steel using design of experiments
KV Rao, LS Raju, G Suresh, J Ranganayakulu, J Krishna
Optics & Laser Technology 169, 110146, 2024
Machining strategies for micromachining of glass using electrochemical discharge machining: A review
J Ranganayakulu, PV Srihari, KV Rao, RS Raj, M Mahajanshetti
Innovative Development in Micromanufacturing Processes, 132-153, 2024
Investigations on the effect of helical tool diameter assisted with high speed rotation in electrochemical discharge machining
J Ranganayakulu, PV Srihari
International Journal of Precision Technology 10 (1), 60-73, 2021
Experimental Investigations on the Influence of Mixing Chamber Design in Micro–Abrasive Jet Machining of Borosilicate Glass
HKD Kumar, TSR Pandith, J Ranganayakulu, HNN Murthy, PV Srihari, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (11), 24075-24084, 2018
6 Machining Strategies for Micromachining of Glass Using Electrochemical Discharge Machining
J Ranganayakulu, PV Srihari, KV Rao, RS Raj, M Mahajanshetti
Experimental Investigation and Response Surface Modelling of Metal Removal Rate in Electrochemical Discharge Machining
JR Lijo Paul, Somashekhar S. Hiremath
4th International & 25th AIMTDR Conference 2012, 499-504, 2012
Optimisation of Process Parameters using Electrochemical Discharge Machining
JR LijoPaul, Somashekhar S. Hiremath
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technology (ICOMET), St …, 2012
Characterisation of micro holes machined using electrochemical discharge machining
JR LijoPaul, Somashekhar S. Hiremath
International Conference on " Advances in Manufacturing Technology” - ICAMT …, 2012
Experimental Investigation on Electrochemical Discharge Machining and Predictive Modelling of Material Removal Rate using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System
SSH Jinka Ranganayakulu
3rd International and 24th All India Manufacturing Technology Design and …, 2010
論文 1–17