Markus Gebhardt
Markus Gebhardt
LMU München
確認したメール アドレス: ur.de - ホームページ
Sexuality education including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues in schools
A Gegenfurtner, M Gebhardt
Educational Research Review 22, 215-222, 2017
Mathematische Kompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit Zuwanderungshintergrund
M Gebhardt, D Rauch, J Mang, C Sälzer, P Stanat
Waxmann, 2013
Einstellungen von LehrerInnen zur schulischen Integration von Kindern mit einem sonderpädagogischen Förderbedarf in Österreich
M Gebhardt, S Schwab, H Reicher, B Ellmeier, S Gmeiner, P Rossmann, ...
Empirische Sonderpädagogik 3 (4), 275-290, 2011
Correlation between attitudes, concerns, self‐efficacy and teaching intentions in inclusive education evidence from German pre‐service teachers using international scales
S Miesera, JM DeVries, J Jungjohann, M Gebhardt
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 19 (2), 103-114, 2019
Linking self-rated social inclusion to social behaviour. An empirical study of students with and without special education needs in secondary schools
S Schwab, M Gebhardt, M Krammer, B Gasteiger-Klicpera
European Journal of Special Needs Education 30 (1), 1-14, 2015
General and special education teachers' perceptions of teamwork in inclusive classrooms at elementary and secondary schools
M Gebhardt, S Schwab, M Krammer, A Gegenfurtner
Journal for educational research online 7 (2), 129-146, 2015
Attitudes and experiences of parents regarding inclusive and special school education for children with learning and intellectual disabilities
B Gasteiger-Klicpera, C Klicpera, M Gebhardt, S Schwab
International Journal of Inclusive Education 17 (7), 663-681, 2013
Does teacher collaboration improve student achievement? Analysis of the German PISA 2012 sample
JG Mora-Ruano, JH Heine, M Gebhardt
Frontiers in Education 4, 85, 2019
How do teachers evaluate their parent communication competence? Latent profiles and relationships to workplace behaviors
M Gartmeier, M Gebhardt, B Dotger
Teaching and Teacher Education 55, 207-216, 2016
Voluntary or mandatory training participation as a moderator in the relationship between goal orientations and transfer of training
A Gegenfurtner, KD Könings, N Kosmajac, M Gebhardt
International Journal of Training and Development 20 (4), 290-301, 2016
Do learners with special education needs really feel included? Evidence from the Perception of Inclusion Questionnaire and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
JM DeVries, S Voß, M Gebhardt
Research in developmental disabilities 83, 28-36, 2018
Teaching Practices and Beliefs about Inclusion of General and Special Needs Teachers in Austria.
S Schwab, A Holzinger, M Krammer, M Gebhardt, MGP Hessels
Learning disabilities: A contemporary journal 13 (2), 237-254, 2015
Inclusive vocational schools in Canada and Germany. A comparison of vocational pre-service teachers′ attitudes, self-efficacy and experiences towards inclusive education
S Miesera, M Gebhardt
European Journal of Special Needs Education 33 (5), 707-722, 2018
Einstellungen und Selbstwirksamkeit von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern zur schulischen Inklusion in Deutschland-eine Analyse mit Daten des nationalen Bildungspanels Deutschlands (NEPS)
M Gebhardt, S Schwab, MGP Hessels, L Nusser
Empirische Pädagogik 29 (2), 211-229, 2015
The impact of social referencing on social acceptance of children with disabilities and migrant background: An experimental study in primary school settings
C Huber, A Gerullis, M Gebhardt, S Schwab
Social Participation of Students with Special Educational Needs in …, 2020
Lehrkraftfeedback oder Spaß beim Spiel?
C Huber, M Gebhardt, S Schwab
Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht 62 (1), 51-64, 2014
Social acceptance of students with Down syndrome and students without disability
S Schwab, C Huber, M Gebhardt
Educational Psychology 36 (8), 1501-1515, 2016
Zur schulischen Integration in Österreich-historische Entwicklung, Forschung und Status Quo
T Buchner, M Gebhardt
Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik 62 (8), 298-304, 2011
How does social behavior relate to both grades and achievement scores?
JM DeVries, K Rathmann, M Gebhardt
Frontiers in psychology 9, 857, 2018
Online-Lernverlaufsmessung für alle Schülerinnen und Schüler in inklusiven Klassen
M Gebhardt, K Diehl, A Mühling
Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik 66 (10), 444-453, 2016
論文 1–20