Anna Berlin
Anna Berlin
Senior Lecturer, Swedish university of agriculutral sciences
確認したメール アドレス: slu.se
Improving ITS sequence data for identification of plant pathogenic fungi
RH Nilsson, KD Hyde, J Pawłowska, M Ryberg, L Tedersoo, AB Aas, ...
Fungal diversity 67 (1), 11-19, 2014
Potential for re-emergence of wheat stem rust in the United Kingdom
CM Lewis, A Persoons, DP Bebber, RN Kigathi, J Maintz, K Findlay, ...
Communications biology 1 (1), 13, 2018
Friend or foe? Biological and ecological traits of the European ash dieback pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in its native environment
M Cleary, D Nguyen, D Marčiulynienė, A Berlin, R Vasaitis, J Stenlid
Scientific reports 6, 21895, 2016
Optimized metabarcoding with Pacific Biosciences enables semi‐quantitative analysis of fungal communities
C Castaño, A Berlin, M Brandström Durling, K Ihrmark, BD Lindahl, ...
New Phytologist 228 (3), 1149-1158, 2020
Wheat stem rust back in Europe: diversity, prevalence and impact on host resistance
M Patpour, MS Hovmøller, J Rodriguez-Algaba, B Randazzo, D Villegas, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 882440, 2022
Genetic variation in Puccinia graminis collected from Oats, Rye, and Barberry
A Berlin, A Djurle, B Samils, J Yuen
Phytopathology 102 (10), 1006-1012, 2012
Potato bacterial wilt in Rwanda: occurrence, risk factors, farmers’ knowledge and attitudes
F Uwamahoro, A Berlin, C Bucagu, H Bylund, J Yuen
Food Security 10, 1221-1235, 2018
Vegetation type determines spore deposition within a forest–agricultural mosaic landscape
MA Redondo, A Berlin, J Boberg, J Oliva
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 96 (6), fiaa082, 2020
Disease development and genotypic diversity of Puccinia graminis f. sp. avenae in Swedish oat fields
A Berlin, B Samils, A Djurle, H Wirsén, L Szabo, J Yuen
Plant pathology 62 (1), 32-40, 2013
Evidence based disease control methods in potato production: a systematic map protocol
E Vilvert, L Stridh, B Andersson, Å Olson, L Aldén, A Berlin
Environmental Evidence 11 (1), 1-8, 2022
Rust fungi forming aecia on Berberis spp. In Sweden
A Berlin, J Kyaschenko, AF Justesen, J Yuen
Plant Disease 97 (10), 1281-1287, 2013
Management strategies for banana Xanthomonas wilt in Rwanda include mixing indigenous and improved cultivars
F Uwamahoro, A Berlin, H Bylund, C Bucagu, J Yuen
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 39, 1-11, 2019
Multiple genotypes within aecial clusters in Puccinia graminis and Puccinia coronata: improved understanding of the biology of cereal rust fungi
A Berlin, B Samils, B Andersson
Fungal biology and biotechnology 4, 1-7, 2017
Ralstonia solanacearum causing potato bacterial wilt: host range and cultivars’ susceptibility in Rwanda
F Uwamahoro, A Berlin, C Bucagu, H Bylund, J Yuen
Plant Pathology 69 (3), 559-568, 2020
Scientific evidence for sustainable plant disease protection strategies for the main arable crops in Sweden. A systematic map protocol
A Berlin, HN Källström, A Lindgren, Å Olson
Environmental evidence 7, 1-8, 2018
Analyses of the ash dieback pathogen, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, suggest role of tree species diversity on colonization and population structure differentiation
DT Nguyen, MR Cleary, R Enderle, A Berlin, J Stenlid
Forest Pathology 46 (1), 82-84, 2016
Sexual reproduction contributes to genotypic variation in the population of Puccinia graminis in Tajikistan
A Berlin, M Rahmatov, H Muminjanov, J Yuen
European Journal of Plant Pathology 141 (1), 159-168, 2015
Stem rust attacks in Sweden heralds the return of a previously vanquished foe
A Berlin
Sweden: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU News.[Academic Search], 2017
Scientific evidence of sustainable plant disease protection strategies for oats in Sweden: a systematic map
E Vilvert, Å Olson, AC Wallenhammar, J Törngren, A Berlin
Environmental Evidence 10, 1-17, 2021
Host genotype interacts with aerial spore communities and influences the needle mycobiome of Norway spruce
MA Redondo, J Oliva, M Elfstrand, J Boberg, HD Capador‐Barreto, ...
Environmental Microbiology 24 (8), 3640-3654, 2022
論文 1–20