Dr Anke Plagnol
Dr Anke Plagnol
Senior Lecturer in Behavioural Economics at City St George's, University of London
確認したメール アドレス: city.ac.uk - ホームページ
Happily ever after? Cohabitation, marriage, divorce, and happiness in Germany
AC Zimmermann, RA Easterlin
Population and development review, 511-528, 2006
Passive and active Facebook use measure (PAUM): Validation and relationship to the reinforcement sensitivity theory
J Gerson, AC Plagnol, PJ Corr
Personality and Individual Differences 117, 81-90, 2017
Financial satisfaction over the life course: The influence of assets and liabilities
AC Plagnol
Journal of Economic Psychology 32 (1), 45-64, 2011
Happy to help? Exploring the factors associated with variations in rates of volunteering across Europe
AC Plagnol, FA Huppert
Social indicators research 97, 157-176, 2010
Aspirations, attainments, and satisfaction: Life cycle differences between American women and men
AC Plagnol, RA Easterlin
Journal of happiness studies 9, 601-619, 2008
Subjective well-being and social media use: Do personality traits moderate the impact of social comparison on Facebook?
J Gerson, AC Plagnol, PJ Corr
Computers in Human Behavior 63, 813-822, 2016
Life satisfaction and economic conditions in East and West Germany pre-and post-unification
RA Easterlin, AC Plagnol
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 68 (3-4), 433-444, 2008
Behavioral economics: The basics
P Corr, A Plagnol
Routledge, 2023
Subjective well-being and armed conflict: Evidence from Bosnia-Herzegovina
ON Shemyakina, AC Plagnol
Social indicators research 113, 1129-1152, 2013
Who got the Brexit blues? The effect of Brexit on subjective wellbeing in the UK
N Powdthavee, AC Plagnol, P Frijters, AE Clark
Economica 86 (343), 471-494, 2019
What matters for well-being: Individual perceptions of quality of life before and after important life events
AC Plagnol, J Scott
Applied Research in Quality of Life 6, 115-137, 2011
Subjective well-being over the life course: Conceptualizations and evaluations
A Plagnol
Social Research: An International Quarterly 77 (2), 749-768, 2010
Industry perceptions of barriers to commercialization of regenerative medicine products in the UK
AC Plagnol, E Rowley, P Martin, F Livesey
Regenerative Medicine 4 (4), 549-559, 2009
Female computer science students: A qualitative exploration of women’s experiences studying computer science at university in the UK
J Yates, AC Plagnol
Education and Information Technologies, 2021
Life satisfaction and confidence in national institutions: Evidence from South America
L Macchia, AC Plagnol
Applied Research in Quality of Life 14 (3), 721-736, 2019
Buying happiness in an unequal world: Rank of income more strongly predicts well-being in more unequal countries
L Macchia, AC Plagnol, N Powdthavee
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (5), 769-780, 2020
Gendered lives: Gender inequalities in production and reproduction
S Dex, JL Scott, A Plagnol
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012
Women’s job quality across family life stages: an analysis of female employees across 27 European countries
A Piasna, A Plagnol
Social Indicators Research 139, 1065-1084, 2018
The partner pay gap: Associations between spouses’ relative earnings and life satisfaction among couples in the UK
V Gash, AC Plagnol
Work, Employment and Society 35 (3), 566-583, 2021
Work–family conflict and well-being in Northern Europe
J Scott, AC Plagnol
Gendered lives, 2012
論文 1–20