Genevieve Belanger
Genevieve Belanger
LAPTh, Annecy
確認したメール アドレス: lapth.cnrs.fr
Review of particle physics
K Nakamura
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 37 (7 A), 2010
arXiv: Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 4. Deciphering the Nature of the Higgs Sector
D de Florian, D Fontes, J Quevillon, M Schumacher, FJ Llanes-Estrada, ...
Cern, 2016
micrOMEGAs_3: A program for calculating dark matter observables
G Bélanger, F Boudjema, A Pukhov, A Semenov
Computer Physics Communications 185 (3), 960-985, 2014
SUSY Les Houches accord: Interfacing SUSY spectrum calculators, decay packages, and event generators
P Skands, BC Allanach, H Baer, C Balázs, G Bélanger, F Boudjema, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2004 (07), 036, 2004
MicrOMEGAs 2.0: A Program to calculate the relic density of dark matter in a generic model
G Bélanger, F Boudjema, A Pukhov, A Semenov
Computer Physics Communications 176 (5), 367-382, 2007
Dark matter direct detection rate in a generic model with micrOMEGAs_2. 2
G Bélanger, F Boudjema, A Pukhov, A Semenov
Computer Physics Communications 180 (5), 747-767, 2009
MicrOMEGAs: A Program for calculating the relic density in the MSSM
G Belanger, F Boudjema, A Pukhov, A Semenov
Computer Physics Communications 149 (2), 103-120, 2002
Physics with e+ e− linear colliders
E Accomando, A Andreazza, H Anlauf, A Ballestrero, T Barklow, J Bartels, ...
Physics Reports 299 (1), 1-78, 1998
SUSY les houches accord 2
BC Allanach, C Balázs, G Bélanger, M Bernhardt, F Boudjema, ...
Computer Physics Communications 180 (1), 8-25, 2009
micrOMEGAs5. 0: Freeze-in
G Bélanger, F Boudjema, A Goudelis, A Pukhov, B Zaldivar
Computer Physics Communications 231, 173-186, 2018
micrOMEGAs: Version 1.3
G Bélanger, F Boudjema, A Pukhov, A Semenov
Computer Physics Communications 174 (7), 577-604, 2006
MicrOMEGAs4. 1: two dark matter candidates
G Bélanger, F Boudjema, A Pukhov, A Semenov
Computer Physics Communications 192, 322-329, 2015
Physics interplay of the LHC and the ILC
G Weiglein, T Barklow, E Boos, A De Roeck, K Desch, F Gianotti, ...
Physics Reports 426 (2-6), 47-358, 2006
Indirect search for dark matter with micrOMEGAs_2. 4
G Bélanger, F Boudjema, P Brun, A Pukhov, S Rosier-Lees, P Salati, ...
Computer Physics Communications 182 (3), 842-856, 2011
Supersymmetry parameter analysis: SPA convention and project
JA Aguilar-Saavedra, A Ali, BC Allanach, R Arnowitt, HA Baer, JA Bagger, ...
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 46, 43-60, 2006
Global fit to Higgs signal strengths and couplings and implications for extended Higgs sectors
G Belanger, B Dumont, U Ellwanger, JF Gunion, S Kraml
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 88 (7), 075008, 2013
TESLA: The Superconducting electron positron linear collider with an integrated x-ray laser laboratory. Technical design report. Part 3. Physics at an e+ e-linear collider
JA Aguilar-Saavedra, G Belanger, T Han, MT Dova, A Ali, C Troncon, ...
Les Houches 2011: physics at TeV colliders new physics working group report
G Brooijmans, B Gripaios, F Moortgat, J Santiago, P Skands, DA Vásquez, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.1488, 2012
Probing quartic couplings of weak bosons through three vector production at a 500 GeV NLC
G Bélanger, F Boudjema
Physics Letters B 288 (1-2), 201-209, 1992
Relic density of dark matter in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standardmodel
G Belanger, F Boudjema, C Hugonie, A Pukhov, A Semenov
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2005 (09), 001, 2005
論文 1–20