Andrew Plummer
Andrew Plummer
Director, Centre for Power Transmission and Motion Control, University of Bath
確認したメール アドレス: bath.ac.uk - ホームページ
A review of wave energy converter technology
B Drew, AR Plummer, MN Sahinkaya
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2009
Numerical investigation of wave–structure interaction using OpenFOAM
LF Chen, J Zang, AJ Hillis, GCJ Morgan, AR Plummer
Ocean Engineering 88, 91-109, 2014
Robust adaptive control for hydraulic servosystems
AR Plummer, ND Vaughan
Model-in-the-loop testing
AR Plummer
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2006
Control techniques for structural testing: a review
AR Plummer
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2007
Mechanical properties of titanium-based Ti–6Al–4V alloys manufactured by powder bed additive manufacture
J Tong, CR Bowen, J Persson, A Plummer
Materials Science and Technology 33 (2), 138-148, 2017
Vibration control of a flexible beam with integrated actuators and sensors
WJ Manning, AR Plummer, MC Levesley
Smart Materials and Structures 9 (6), 932, 2000
A review of electro-hydraulic servovalve research and development
P Tamburrano, AR Plummer, E Distaso, R Amirante
International Journal of Fluid Power, 1-23, 2018
Frequency modelling and solution of fluid–structure interaction in complex pipelines
Y Xu, DN Johnston, Z Jiao, AR Plummer
Journal of sound and vibration 333 (10), 2800-2822, 2014
Determination of optimal parameters for a hydraulic power take-off unit of a wave energy converter in regular waves
CJ Cargo, AR Plummer, AJ Hillis, M Schlotter
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2012
Non-linear control of a hydraulic piezo-valve using a generalised Prandtl–Ishlinskii hysteresis model
F Stefanski, B Minorowicz, J Persson, A Plummer, C Bowen
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 82, 412-431, 2017
Self-tuning control of a low-friction pneumatic actuator under the influence of gravity
R Richardson, AR Plummer, MD Brown
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 9 (2), 330-334, 2001
Laboratory road simulation for full vehicle testing: a review
CJ Dodds, AR Plummer
SAE Technical Paper, 2001
Theoretical and experimental studies of a switched inertance hydraulic system
M Pan, N Johnston, A Plummer, S Kudzma, A Hillis
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2014
A novel piezohydraulic aerospace servovalve. Part 1: design and modelling
DK Sangiah, AR Plummer, CR Bowen, P Guerrier
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of …, 2013
A review of energy storage technologies in hydraulic wind turbines
C Ai, L Zhang, W Gao, G Yang, D Wu, L Chen, W Chen, A Plummer
Energy Conversion and Management 264, 115584, 2022
A detailed dynamic model of a six-axis shaking table
AR Plummer
Journal of earthquake engineering 12 (4), 631-662, 2008
A review of direct drive proportional electrohydraulic spool valves: industrial state-of-the-art and research advancements
P Tamburrano, AR Plummer, E Distaso, R Amirante
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 141 (2), 020801, 2019
Understanding LSTM network behaviour of IMU-based locomotion mode recognition for applications in prostheses and wearables
F Sherratt, A Plummer, P Iravani
Sensors 21 (4), 1264, 2021
Optimisation and control of a hydraulic power take-off unit for a wave energy converter in irregular waves
CJ Cargo, AJ Hillis, AR Plummer
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2014
論文 1–20