Albert CABRÉ
Albert CABRÉ
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences - LMU
確認したメール アドレス: lmu.de
Erosion after an extreme storm event in an arid fluvial system of the southern Atacama Desert: an assessment of the magnitude, return time, and conditioning factors of erosion …
BV ermán Aguilar, Albert Cabré, Victor Fredes
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.,, 2020
Mapping rainstorm erosion associated with an individual storm from InSAR coherence loss validated by field evidence for the Atacama Desert
A Cabré, D Remy, G Aguilar, S Carretier, R Riquelme
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45 (9), 2091-2106, 2020
Chronology of Chilean Frontal Cordillera building from geochronological, stratigraphic and geomorphological data insights from Miocene intramontane‐basin deposits
K Rossel, G Aguilar, E Salazar, J Martinod, S Carretier, L Pinto, A Cabré
Basin Research 30, 289-310, 2018
Tributary-junction alluvial fan response to an ENSO rainfall event in the El Huasco watershed, northern Chile
A Cabré, G Aguilar, AE Mather, V Fredes, R Riquelme
Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 44 (5), 679-699, 2020
Flash floods controlling Cu, Pb, As and Hg variations in fluvial sediments of a river impacted by metal mining in the Atacama Desert
G Aguilar, A Valdés, A Cabré, F Galdames
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 109, 103290, 2021
Holocene evolution and geochronology of a semiarid fluvial system in the western slope of the Central Andes: AMS 14C data in El Tránsito River Valley, Northern Chile
AC Cano, GA Martorell, RR Salazar
Quaternary International 438, 20-32, 2017
Chronology of glacial advances and deglaciation in the Encierro River Valley (29 Lat. S), Southern Atacama Desert, based on geomorphological mapping and cosmogenic 10Be …
G Aguilar, R Riquelme, P Lohse, A Cabré, JL García
Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 878318, 2022
Flash floods triggered by the 15–17th March 2022 rainstorm event in the Atacama Desert mapped from InSAR coherence time series
A Cabré, D Remy, O Marc, K Burrows, S Carretier
Natural Hazards 116 (1), 1345-1353, 2023
Assessment of physical weathering in bedrock areas at the Trinity Peninsula, Antarctica: Towards a classification of the current weathering grade in polar areas
PCA S.Ruiz-Pereira, E.Beriain, A.Cabré
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 118 (103913), 2022
A modeling methodology to study the tributary-junction alluvial fan connectivity during a debris flow event
A Garcés, G Zegers, A Cabré, G Aguilar, A Tamburrino, S Montserrat
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2021, 1-27, 2021
Riesgo ante remociones en masa y ocupación antrópica de abanicos aluviales en zonas precordilleranas andinas. El evento de marzo 2015 en Los Loros y San Antonio (Atacama, Chile)
T Izquierdo, S Olivares, A Cabré, M Abad
Actas del XV Congreso geológico Chileno, 2018
Integrating InSAR coherence and SAR amplitude to unravel the surface change processes operating during extreme rainstorm events in the Atacama Desert.
A Cabré, O Marc, D Remy, S Carretier
EGU24, 2024
Something missing: Andean cryosphere research comic
S Ruiz-Pereira
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Something missing: Andean cryosphere research comic (version: Català/Catalan)
S Ruiz-Pereira, A Cabré
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Abanicos aluviales tributarios en un valle fluvial desarrollado en un contexto árido. Andes de Chile a los 29º S
AC Cano, GA Martorell, FC Piñol
Geogaceta 66, 35-38, 2019
Modelación numérica 2D de los depósitos aluvionales observados en la quebrada Crucesita, río El Carmen, Huasco
G Zegers, A Garcés, A Cabré, G Aguilar, S Monserrat
Determinación de la mineralogía y química de depósitos de cenizas volcánicas, norte de Chile
P Toloza, A Cabré, G Ureta, A Menzies
Extreme erosion by debris flows during extraordinary precipitation event and its contribution in the long-term erosion in the Atacama Desert
G Aguilar, A Cabré
Cuenca de la Quebrada El Hielo: Estratigrafía de Unidades Neógenas Continentales y propuesta de evolución geomorfológica
A Cabré, P Castillo, G Aguilar
Geomorfología y sedimentología del curso inferior del Río Copiapó, Región de Atacama, Chile.
N Castillo, A Cabré, K Riveros, M Abad
論文 1–20