Fan Lin
A Life Cycle Framework of Green IoT-Based Agriculture and Its Finance, Operation, and Management Issues
J Ruan, Y Wang, F Tung, S Chan, X Hu, M Zhao, F Zhu, B Shi, Y Shi, F Lin
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (3), 90-96, 2019
Adaptive course recommendation in MOOCs
Y Lin, S Feng, F Lin, W Zeng, Y Liu, P Wu
Knowledge-Based Systems 224, 107085, 2021
Relation-aware dynamic attributed graph attention network for stocks recommendation
S Feng, C Xu, Y Zuo, G Chen, F Lin, J XiaHou
Pattern Recognition 121, 108119, 2022
A survey on reinforcement learning for recommender systems
Y Lin, Y Liu, F Lin, L Zou, P Wu, W Zeng, H Chen, C Miao
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023
Deep Probabilistic Matrix Factorization Framework for Online Collaborative Filtering
K Li, X Zhou, F Lin, W Zeng, G Alterovitz
IEEE Access 7, 56117-56128, 2019
Deep Probabilistic Matrix Factorization Framework for Online Collaborative Filtering
K Li, X Zhou, F Lin, W Zeng, G Alterovitz
IEEE Access 7, 56117 - 56128, 2019
FHIR Genomics: enabling standardization for precision medicine use cases
G Alterovitz, B Heale, J Jones, D Kreda, F Lin, L Liu, X Liu, KD Mandl, ...
NPJ genomic medicine 5 (1), 13, 2020
Comparative study on theoretical and machine learning methods for acquiring compressed liquid densities of 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3-heptafluoropropane (r227ea) via song and mason …
H Li, X Tang, R Wang, F Lin, Z Liu, K Cheng
Applied Sciences 6 (1), 25, 2016
TCM clinic records data mining approaches based on weighted-LDA and multi-relationship LDA model
F Lin, J Xiahou, Z Xu
Multimedia Tools and Applications 75, 14203-14232, 2016
Sparse online learning for collaborative filtering
F Lin, X Zhou, W Zeng
International Journal of Computers Communications & Control 11 (2), 248-258, 2016
Hierarchical reinforcement learning with dynamic recurrent mechanism for course recommendation
Y Lin, F Lin, W Zeng, J Xiahou, L Li, P Wu, Y Liu, C Miao
Knowledge-Based Systems 244, 108546, 2022
Sparse Online Collaborative Filtering with Dynamic Regularization
L Kangkang, Z Xiuze, L Fan, Z Wenhua, W Beizhan, A Gil
Information Sciences 505, 535-548, 2019
Multi-kernel learning for multivariate performance measures optimization
F Lin, J Wang, N Zhang, J Xiahou, N McDonald
Neural computing and applications 28, 2075-2087, 2017
Confidence-weighted bias model for online collaborative filtering
X Zhou, W Shu, F Lin, B Wang
Applied Soft Computing 70, 1042-1053, 2018
Multi-datacenter cloud storage service selection strategy based on AHP and backward cloud generator model
J Xiahou, F Lin, QH Huang, W Zeng
Neural Computing and Applications 29, 71-85, 2018
Cloud computing system risk estimation and service selection approach based on cloud focus theory
F Lin, W Zeng, L Yang, Y Wang, S Lin, J Zeng
Neural Computing and Applications 28, 1863-1876, 2017
A MOEA/D-based multi-objective optimization algorithm for remote medical
S Lin, F Lin, H Chen, W Zeng
Neurocomputing 220, 5-16, 2017
Extreme learning machine: a new alternative for measuring heat collection rate and heat loss coefficient of water-in-glass evacuated tube solar water heaters
Z Liu, H Li, X Tang, X Zhang, F Lin, K Cheng
SpringerPlus 5, 1-8, 2016
Multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on nondominated sorting and bidirectional local search for big data
F Lin, J Zeng, J Xiahou, B Wang, W Zeng, H Lv
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 13 (4), 1979-1988, 2017
Load balancing prediction method of cloud storage based on analytic hierarchy process and hybrid hierarchical genetic algorithm
X Zhou, F Lin, L Yang, J Nie, Q Tan, W Zeng, N Zhang
SpringerPlus 5, 1-23, 2016
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