Phil Page, PhD, PT, ATC, CSCS, FACSM
Phil Page, PhD, PT, ATC, CSCS, FACSM
Full Professor/ Research Director, Fran U DPT
確認したメール アドレス: franu.edu - ホームページ
Assessment and treatment of muscle imbalance
P Page, CC Frank, R Lardner
(No Title), 2010
Current concepts in muscle stretching for exercise and rehabilitation
P Page
International journal of sports physical therapy 7 (1), 109, 2012
Beyond statistical significance: clinical interpretation of rehabilitation research literature
P Page
International journal of sports physical therapy 9 (5), 726, 2014
Shoulder muscle imbalance and subacromial impingement syndrome in overhead athletes
P Page
International journal of sports physical therapy 6 (1), 51, 2011
Sensorimotor training: A “global” approach for balance training
P Page
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 10 (1), 77-84, 2006
The scientific and clinical application of elastic resistance
P Page, TS Ellenbecker
Human Kinetics, 2003
Adhesive capsulitis: use the evidence to integrate your interventions
P Page, A Labbe
North American journal of sports physical therapy: NAJSPT 5 (4), 266, 2010
Cervicogenic headaches: an evidence-led approach to clinical management
P Page
International journal of sports physical therapy 6 (3), 254, 2011
Strength band training
P Page, TS Ellenbecker
Human Kinetics Publishers, 2019
Posterior rotator cuff strengthening using Theraband® in a functional diagonal pattern in collegiate baseball pitchers
PA Page, J Lamberth, B Abadie, R Boling, R Collins, R Linton
Journal of Athletic Training 28 (4), 346, 1993
Clinical force production of Thera-Band^(! R) elastic bands
P Page
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 30, A47-A48, 2000
Balance training for the older athlete
ME Rogers, P Page, N Takeshima
International journal of sports physical therapy 8 (4), 517, 2013
Muscle activation comparisons between elastic and isoinertial resistance: A meta-analysis
SJ Aboodarda, PA Page, DG Behm
Clinical Biomechanics 39, 52-61, 2016
Prevalence and risk factors of self-reported wrist and hand symptoms and clinically confirmed carpal tunnel syndrome among office workers in China: a cross-sectional study
B Feng, K Chen, X Zhu, WY Ip, LL Andersen, P Page, Y Wang
BMC Public Health 21, 1-10, 2021
A proposal for a new screening paradigm and tool called Exercise Assessment and Screening for You (EASY)
B Resnick, MG Ory, K Hora, ME Rogers, P Page, JN Bolin, RM Lyle, ...
Journal of aging and physical activity 16 (2), 215-233, 2008
Improving the reporting of therapeutic exercise interventions in rehabilitation research
P Page, B Hoogenboom, M Voight
International journal of sports physical therapy 12 (2), 297, 2017
Comprehensive corrective exercise program improves alignment, muscle activation and movement pattern of men with upper crossed syndrome: randomized controlled trial
F Seidi, M Bayattork, H Minoonejad, LL Andersen, P Page
Scientific reports 10 (1), 20688, 2020
Pathophysiology of acute exercise-induced muscular injury: clinical implications
P Page
Journal of athletic training 30 (1), 29, 1995
Exercise and ankle sprain injuries: a comprehensive review
J Calatayud, S Borreani, JC Colado, J Flandez, P Page, LL Andersen
The Physician and sportsmedicine 42 (1), 88-93, 2014
The effectiveness of a comprehensive corrective exercises program and subsequent detraining on alignment, muscle activation, and movement pattern in men with upper crossed …
M Bayattork, F Seidi, H Minoonejad, LL Andersen, P Page
Trials 21, 1-10, 2020
論文 1–20