Agung Dharmawan Buchdadi
Agung Dharmawan Buchdadi
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
確認したメール アドレス: feunj.ac.id
The influence of financial literacy on SMEs performance through access to finance and financial risk attitude as mediation variables
AD Buchdadi, A Sholeha, GN Ahmad
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 24 (5), 1-15, 2020
The effect of liquidity, profitability and solvability to the financial distress of manucatured companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange (IDX) period of year 2015-2017
R Moch, R Prihatni, AD Buchdadi
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 23 (6), 1-16, 2019
Bank Performance and Its Underlying Factors: A Study of Rural Banks in Indonesia
TK Chou, AD Buchdadi
Accounting and Finance Research 5 (3), 56-63, 2016
Independent Board, Audit Committee, Risk Committee, the Meeting Attendance level and Its Impact on the Performance: A Study of Listed Banks in Indonesia
TK Chou, AD Buchdadi
International Journal of Business Administration 8 (3 (2017)), 24-36, 2017
Quality of work life’s factors and their impacts on organizational commitments
D Adikoeswanto, A Eliyana, T Sariwulan, AD Buchdadi, F Firda
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (7), 450-461, 2020
Board of Director Meeting and Firm Performance
AD Buchdadi, IGKA Ulupui, S Dalimunthe, BG Pamungkas, Y Fauziyyah
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 23 (2), 1-7, 2019
The impact of social capital, entrepreneurial competence on business performance: An empirical study of SMEs
A Yani, A Eliyana, I Hamidah, AD Buchdadi
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (9), 779-787, 2020
Banking efficiency and performance: a test of banking characteristics in an emerging market
MY Arafat, A Warokka, AD Buchdadi, Suherman
Journal for Global Business Advancement 6 (1), 13-23, 2013
The effect of CEO characteristics on firm performance of food and beverage companies in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore
GN Ahmad, MRP Prasetyo, AD Buchdadi, U Widyastuti, H Kurniawati
Calitatea 23 (186), 111-122, 2022
The Effect of Employee Involvement on Job Satisfaction.
A Yuspahruddin, A Eliyana, AD Buchdadi, T Sariwulan, K Muhaziroh
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (7), 2020
Penghitungan Value At Risk Portofolio Optimum Saham Perusahaan Berbasis Syariah Dengan Pendekatan Ewma
AD Buchdadi
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia 5 (2), 3, 2008
Executive’s compensation, good corporate governance, ownership structure, and firm performance: a study of listed banks in Indonesia
TK Chou, AD Buchdadi
Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR) 13 (03), 79-91, 2018
Entrepreneurial orientation and SME performance: Dynamic capabilities as mediation study on SMEs in Indonesia
TK Fitriati, D Purwana, AD Buchdadi, IK Subagja
KnE Social Sciences, 74–89-74–89, 2020
Pengaruh Board Size, Board Independence dan Ownership Structure Terhadap Kebijakan Dividan Pada Sektor Mamufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesi (BEI) Periode 2012-2016
V Hadistira, AD Buchdadi, D Kurnianti
Jurnal Riset Manajemen Sains Indonesia (JRMSI) 10 (1), 167-185, 2019
The influence of transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, organizational climate, and teamwork, towards organizational citizenship behavior of civil servants
FA Hamid, SE Widodo, AD Buchdadi
International Journal for Applied Information Management 2 (3), 26-39, 2022
Factors determining adoption of fintech peer-to-peer lending platform: an empirical study in Indonesia
R Sunardi, H Hamidah, AD BUCHDADI, D Purwana
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 9 (1), 43-51, 2022
The role of the board of director with political connection for increasing the firm value
F Idris, A Buchdadi, M Muttaqien, T Hariguna
Accounting 6 (7), 1285-1290, 2020
The effect of credit risk and capital adequacy on financial distress in rural banks
A Buchdadi, X Nguyen, F Putra, S Dalimunthe
Accounting 6 (6), 967-974, 2020
Triple mediation of attitude to bridge transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior
H Yuwono, A Eliyana, AD Buchdadi, Hamidah, NIA Jalil
PloS One 18 (2), e0281220, 2023
The role of organizational justice dimensions: enhancing work engagement and employee performance
M Pakpahan, A Eliyana, AD Hamidah, TR Bayuwati
Systematic Review in Pharmacy 11 (9), 323-332, 2020
論文 1–20