Viviane Maria Guedes Layme
Viviane Maria Guedes Layme
確認したメール アドレス: cpd.ufmt.br
Sustainability agenda for the Pantanal Wetland: perspectives on a collaborative interface for science, policy, and decision-making
WM Tomas, F de Oliveira Roque, RG Morato, PE Medici, RM Chiaravalloti, ...
Tropical Conservation Science 12, 1940082919872634, 2019
Distance sampling surveys reveal 17 million vertebrates directly killed by the 2020’s wildfires in the Pantanal, Brazil
WM Tomas, CN Berlinck, RM Chiaravalloti, GP Faggioni, C Strüssmann, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 23547, 2021
NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics
PM Santos, A Bocchiglieri, AG Chiarello, AP Paglia, A Moreira, ...
Ecology 100 (7), e02663, 2019
NEOTROPICAL CARNIVORES: a data set on carnivore distribution in the Neotropics
M Nagy‐Reis, JEF Oshima, CZ Kanda, FBL Palmeira, FR de Melo, ...
Ecology 101 (11), e03128, 2020
Effects of fire, food availability and vegetation on the distribution of the rodent Bolomys lasiurus in an Amazonian savanna
VMG Layme, AP Lima, WE Magnusson
Journal of Tropical Ecology 20 (2), 183-187, 2004
The impact of herd composition and foraging area on livestock predation by big cats in the P antanal of B razil
FR Tortato, VMG Layme, PG Crawshaw Jr, TJ Izzo
Animal Conservation 18 (6), 539-547, 2015
Complex effects of climate change: population fluctuations in a tropical rodent are associated with the southern oscillation index and regional fire extent, but not directly …
WE Magnusson, VMG Layme, AP Lima
Global Change Biology 16 (9), 2401-2406, 2010
Neotropical alien mammals: a data set of occurrence and abundance of alien mammals in the Neotropics
CA Rosa, BR Ribeiro, V Bejarano, FH Puertas, A Bocchiglieri, ...
Ecology 101 (11), e03115, 2020
Effects of shrub encroachment on the anuran community in periodically flooded grasslands of the largest Neotropical wetland
TF Dorado‐Rodrigues, VMG Layme, FHB Silva, C Nunes da Cunha, ...
Austral Ecology 40 (5), 547-557, 2015
Spatially Explicit Population Dynamics in a Declining Population of the Tropical Rodent, Bolomys lasiurus
IR Ghizoni, VMG Layme, AP Lima, WE Magnusson
Journal of Mammalogy 86 (4), 677-682, 2005
Major biases and knowledge gaps on fragmentation research in Brazil: Implications for conservation
AL Teixido, SRA Goncalves, GJ Fernandez-Arellano, W Dattilo, TJ Izzo, ...
Biological Conservation 251, 108749, 2020
Fire and flood: How the Pantanal ant communities respond to multiple disturbances?
FV de Arruda, FB Teresa, VMG Layme, RE Vicente, F Camarota, TJ Izzo
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 20 (3), 197-204, 2022
A meta‐analysis of the effects of fragmentation on the megadiverse herpetofauna of Brazil
AL Teixido, H Sehn, LG Quintanilla, SRA Gonçalves, ...
Biotropica 53 (3), 726-737, 2021
Mamíferos de médio e grande porte de Roraima, extremo norte da Amazônia Brasileira
ARM Pontes, VMG LAYME, WE Magnusson, LC Marigo
Roraima: homem, meio ambiente e ecologia. FEMACT, 603-629, 2010
Counting the dead: 17 million vertebrates directly killed by the 2020’s wildfires in the Pantanal wetland, Brazil. Research Square
WM Tomas, CN Berlinck, RM Chiaravalloti, GP Faggioni, C Strussmann, ...
Scientific Reports 1, 1-16, 2021
Local effects of global climate on a small rodent Necromys lasiurus
W Magnusson, C Rosa, VMG Layme, IR Ghizoni Jr, AP Lima
Journal of Mammalogy 102 (1), 188-194, 2021
Roedores da Bacia do Alto Paraguai: uma revisão do conhecimento do planalto à planície pantaneira
PC Antunes, CL Miranda, W Hannibal, MN Godoi, M Aragona, ...
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi-Ciências Naturais 16 (3), 579-649, 2021
Marsupiais da Bacia do Alto Paraguai: uma revisão do conhecimento do planalto à planície pantaneira
PC Antunes, CL Miranda, W Hannibal, M Aragona, MN Godoi, ...
Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi-Ciências Naturais 16 (3), 527-577, 2021
Estrutura da comunidade de pequenos mamíferos não voadores em campos nativos do Pantanal de Poconé
VMG Layme, LP Candelária, APMP Santos, PBA da Silva
Oecologia Australis 16 (4), 949-957, 2012
Histórias: narrativas e depoimentos das comunidades São João do Tupé e Colônia Central
GH Rebêlo, AK Terra, VMG Layme, TM Amorim
Biotupé: meio físico, diversidade biológica e sócio-cultural do baixo Rio …, 2005
論文 1–20