Kadir Arifin
Kadir Arifin
Assoc. Prof.
確認したメール アドレス: ukm.edu.my
Occupational safety and health management in the construction industry: a review
MH Jaafar, K Arifin, K Aiyub, MR Razman, MIS Ishak, MS Samsurijan
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 24 (4), 493-506, 2018
Pengurusan fasiliti dalam penyelenggaraan bangunan: Amalan kualiti, keselamatan dan kesihatan
H Zakaria, K Arifin, S Ahmad, K Aiyub, Z Fisal
Journal of Techno-Social 2 (1), 2010
Computer technology application and vocational education: a review of literature and research
Y Buntat, MS Saud, A Dahar, KS Arifin, YH Zaid
European journal of social sciences 14 (4), 645-651, 2010
Implementation of integrated management system in Malaysia: the level of organization’s understanding and awareness
K Arifin, K Aiyub, A Awang, JM Jahi, R Iteng
European Journal of Scientific Research 31 (2), 188-195, 2009
A systematic literature review on public participation in decision-making for local authority planning: A decade of progress and challenges
A Abas, K Arifin, MAM Ali, M Khairil
Environmental Development 46, 100853, 2023
Development, environmental degradation and environmental management in Malaysia
JM Jahi, K Aiyub, K Arifin, A Awang
European Journal of Social Sciences 9 (2), 257-264, 2009
Systematic literature review on variables impacting organization’s zero accident vision in occupational safety and health perspectives
MA Ahamad, K Arifin, A Abas, M Mahfudz, MB Cyio, M Khairil, MN Ali, ...
Sustainability 14 (13), 7523, 2022
The quality of life in Malaysia’s intermediate city: Urban dwellers perspective
A Azahan, MJ Jamaluddin, ZM Lukman, A Kadaruddin, A Kadir
European Journal of Social Sciences 9 (1), 161-167, 2009
Sustainable safety management: a safety competencies systematic literature review
FA Rahman, K Arifin, A Abas, M Mahfudz, M Basir Cyio, M Khairil, MN Ali, ...
Sustainability 14 (11), 6885, 2022
Industry 4.0: A systematic review in technical and vocational education and training
SZ Alias, MN Selamat, K Alavi, K Arifin
Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia 32 (4), 2018
Systematic literature review on indicators use in safety management practices among utility industries
MXM Ali, K Arifin, A Abas, MA Ahmad, M Khairil, MB Cyio, MA Samad, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (10), 6198, 2022
From Ex-landfill to Public Park: Impact on local community's quality of life and living environment
M Simis, A Awang, K Arifin
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 222, 763-771, 2016
Validating measurement structure of materials and equipment factors model in the MRT construction industry using Confirmatory Factor Analysis
ML Juhari, K Arifin
Safety Science 131, 104905, 2020
Occupational safety management in Malaysia
K Arifin, K Aiyub, MR Razman, JM Jahi, A Awang, SSH Hussain
Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 11 (2), 995-998, 2013
Environmental performance in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) certified to ISO 14001 in the United Kingdom
K Aiyub, JM Jahi, K Arifin, A Awang
International Business Management 3 (1), 7-14, 2009
Mass media coverage on terrorism in order to achieve peace and justice according to the World Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
M Khairil, MN Ali, SZS Zakaria, K Arifin, MR Razman
Information 20 (7A), 4935â, 2017
Kesedaran generasi muda terhadap patriotisme dan perpaduan nasional di Malaysia
A Ujang, JM Jahi, K Arifin, K Aiyub
International Journal of the Malay World and Civilisation 2 (2), 31-39, 2014
A review of occupational safety and health (OSH) accidents and contributing factors in construction industry
MH Jaafar, K Arifin, K Aiyub, MR Razman, M Ahmad
Journal of Food, Agriculture, and Environment 132, 238-244, 2015
Understanding terrorism based on radicalism idea in order to avoid instability for achieving environmental peace and justice through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
M Khairil, E Emrizal, MRR Muhammad Rizal Razman, ...
Promoting OSHA at higher institutions: Assessment of level of safety awareness among laboratory users
ZS Ismail, K Arifin, K Aiyub, K Aiyub Taylor
Taylor’s Business Review 5 (2), 155-164, 2015
論文 1–20