Jacob C. Brenner
Jacob C. Brenner
Professor of Geography, Department of the Environment, Ithaca College
確認したメール アドレス: ithaca.edu - ホームページ
Cannabis (Cannabis sativa or C. indica) agriculture and the environment: a systematic, spatially-explicit survey and potential impacts
V Butsic, JC Brenner
Environmental Research Letters 11 (4), 044023, 2016
The practice and promise of private land conservation
M Drescher, JC Brenner
Ecology and Society 23 (2), 2018
The emergence of cannabis agriculture frontiers as environmental threats
V Butsic, JK Carah, M Baumann, C Stephens, JC Brenner
Environmental Research Letters 13 (12), 124017, 2018
Land use determines interest in conservation easements among private landowners
JC Brenner, S Lavallato, M Cherry, E Hileman
Land Use Policy 35, 24-32, 2013
Segmentation of Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery improves buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) pasture mapping in the Sonoran Desert of Mexico
JC Brenner, Z Christman, J Rogan
Applied Geography 34, 569-575, 2012
Cannabis, an emerging agricultural crop, leads to deforestation and fragmentation
IJ Wang, JC Brenner, V Butsic
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15 (9), 495-501, 2017
Pasture conversion, private ranchers, and the invasive exotic buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) in Mexico's Sonoran Desert
JC Brenner
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 101 (1), 84-106, 2011
What Drives the Conversion of Native Rangeland to Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) Pasture in Mexico’s Sonoran Desert?: The Social Dimensions of a Biological …
JC Brenner
Human Ecology 38, 495-505, 2010
Inside the Emerald Triangle: Modeling the placement and size of cannabis production in Humboldt County, CA USA
V Butsic, B Schwab, M Baumann, JC Brenner
Ecological Economics 142, 70-80, 2017
Perpetual private land conservation: the case for outdoor recreation and functional leisure
JR Farmer, JC Brenner, M Drescher, SL Dickinson, EG Knackmuhs
Ecology and Society 21 (2), 2016
Buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) invades lands surrounding cultivated pastures in Sonora, Mexico
JC Brenner, LL Kanda
Invasive Plant Science and Management 6 (1), 187-195, 2013
Living on the edge: emerging environmental hazards on the peri-urban fringe
JC Brenner, KA Franklin
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 59 (6), 16-29, 2017
Potential impacts of climate change on Sphagnum bogs of the southern Appalachian Mountains
EH Schultheis, KN Hopfensperger, JC Brenner
Natural Areas Journal 30 (4), 417-424, 2010
The futility and fatality of incremental action: Motivations and barriers among undergraduates for environmental action that matters
P Mudaliar, M McElroy, JC Brenner
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 12 (1), 133-148, 2022
Transboundary conservation across scales: a world–regional inventory and a local case study from the United States–Mexico border
JC Brenner, JG Davis
Journal of the Southwest 54 (3), 499-519, 2012
To ease or not to ease: Interest in conservation easements among landowners in Brown County, Indiana
JR Farmer, C Chancellor, J Brenner, J Whitacre, EG Knackmuhs
The Professional Geographer 68 (4), 584-594, 2016
Building local environmental knowledge in undergraduates with experiential wilderness skills and awareness training: the case of environmental sentinels
JC Brenner, JG Hamilton, T Drake, J Jordan
Journal of environmental studies and sciences 3, 404-415, 2013
Structure, agency, and the transformation of the Sonoran Desert by buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare): An application of land change science
JC Brenner
Clark University, 2009
Homeowner perceptions and responses to buffelgrass invasion risk in the Tucson, Arizona Wildland-Urban Interface
AF Plecki, K Akamani, JW Groninger, JC Brenner, KL Gage
Heliyon 7 (5), 2021
Ithaca College Natural Lands Management Plan
AL Zadrozny, JC Brenner, J Adams, I Bidwell, G Ciabattoni, J Fitzpatrick, ...
Ithaca.​ Web, 2011
論文 1–20