Pilate Chewe (Mr.)
Pilate Chewe (Mr.)
確認したメール アドレス: unza.zm
Social Media Tools for Library service delivery in Higher learning Institutions: Case of University of Zambia and National Institute of Public Administration Libraries
EMM Chitumbo, P Chewe
Research Journal of Library Sciences 3 (5), 1-7, 2015
Moodle Adoption at the University of Zambia: Opportunities and Challenges
EMM Chitumbo, P Chewe
Science Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 2012
Enhanced Library Services Through Social Media in the Age of Covid-19 Pandemic: An Anecdote of Academic Libraries in Zambia
P Chewe, Z Zulu, E Chitumbo, Y Musonda
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 6 (4762), 4762, 2020
Faculty perception of Moodle software as a teaching tool at the University of Zambia
P Chewe
Zambia ICT Journal 2 (1), 25-34, 2018
A Survey of Digital Literacy Skills among Librarians in Zambia
P Chewe, Z Zulu
Zambia Journal of Library & Information Science, ISSN: 2708-2695 4 (1), 2020
The Potential Role of Zambian Public Libraries in Actualizing the Global Climate Change Agenda
P Chewe, B Banda
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 2 (6622), 16, 2021
Circulation Regulations and Their Effect on User Return of Books: The Case of University of Zambia Library
B Banda, P Chewe
International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS) 10 (2), 2021
Centrality of libraries in the actualization of the Sustainable Development Goals in Zambia
P Chewe, I Inonge
European Journal of Social Sciences Studies (EJSSS) 3 (4), 253 - 265, 2018
Open access scholarly communication practices at the University of Zambia
P Chewe, Z Zulu, G Sakala, EM Chitumbo, FN Makondo, Y Musonda
Library Philosophy and Practice, 1-17, 2021
Effectiveness of Library Practicum in linking theory and practice: case of the of University of Zambia and Mulungushi University Libraries
P Chewe, Z Zulu, Y Musonda
International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research …, 2020
Perceptions of distance students on the efficacy of Online Public Access Catalogue as an information retrieval tool at the University of Zambia
P Chewe, EMM Chitumbo
Zambia ICT Journal 2 (1), 1-6, 2018
Zambia: The Challenge of informing blind and deaf clients
CW Kanyengo
University of Zambia, 2009
Predatory Publishing: A Growing Threat to Scholarly Publishing
P Chewe, EMM Chitumbo
Zambia Journal of Library & Information Science (ZAJLIS), ISSN: 2708-2695 4 …, 2020
Preparedness for Open Science through Research Data Management at the University of Zambia in COVID-19 and PostCOVID Eras
A M'kulama, Z Zulu, P Chewe, T Mwiinga
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal), 16, 2022
Trending usage levels of EIFL-based electronic resources among the Zambian Library Consortium Institutions
EМM Chitumbo, P Chewe, FNS Makondo, S Kabilwa
Читалиште 20 (38), 73-85, 2021
An Exploratory Study into Social Media Literacy Skills among Librarians at the University o f Zambia
P Chewe, G Sakala, Z Zulu
Zambia Journal of Library & Information Science 5 (1), 2021
Shaping library and information services delivery through innovation and technology at the University of Zambia
P Chewe, EMM Chitumbo
Proceedings of the XXIII Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and …, 2018
Exploring the impact of covid-19 lockdown on access to library resources by University of Zambia students: a case of the school of Samora Machel Veterinary Medicine
SG Tembo, P Chewe
Journal of Social Review and Development 1 (2), 19-24, 2022
The 2018 Research Productivity of the University of Zambia
P Chewe, EMM Chitumbo, F Chulu, FNS Makondo, CW Kanyengo, ...
Zambia Journal of Library & Information Science (ZAJLIS), ISSN: 2708-2695 6 …, 2022
Social Media Mediated Library Services during Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Lockdown: A Case of University of Zambia Library.
B Banda, P Chewe
Library Philosophy & Practice, 2022
論文 1–20