Hendrikus A. (Roy) Visser
Hendrikus A. (Roy) Visser
Team Leader Application Development, Avantium Renewable Polymers
確認したメール アドレス: avantium.com
Optimization of the tape placement process parameters for carbon–PPS composites
WJB Grouve, LL Warnet, B Rietman, HA Visser, R Akkerman
Composites Part A: Applied science and manufacturing 50, 44-53, 2013
Chain structure and molecular weight dependent mechanics of poly (ethylene 2, 5-furandicarboxylate) compared to poly (ethylene terephthalate)
JG van Berkel, N Guigo, HA Visser, N Sbirrazzuoli
Macromolecules 51 (21), 8539-8549, 2018
Lifetime Assessment of Load‐Bearing Polymer Glasses: An Analytical Framework for Ductile Failure
HA Visser, TC Bor, M Wolters, TAP Engels, LE Govaert
Macromolecular materials and engineering 295 (7), 637-651, 2010
Strain induced crystallization in biobased Poly (ethylene 2, 5-furandicarboxylate)(PEF); conditions for appearance and microstructure analysis
C Menager, N Guigo, L Martino, N Sbirrazzuoli, H Visser, SAE Boyer, ...
Polymer 158, 364-371, 2018
Lifetime Assessment of Load‐Bearing Polymer Glasses: The Influence of Physical Ageing
HA Visser, TC Bor, M Wolters, JGF Wismans, LE Govaert
Macromolecular materials and engineering 295 (12), 1066-1081, 2010
Ultrasonic measurements of undamaged concrete layer thickness in a deteriorated concrete structure
A Demčenko, HA Visser, R Akkerman
NDT & E International 77, 63-72, 2016
Influence of physical aging on impact embrittlement of uPVC pipes
HA Visser, TC Bor, M Wolters, LL Warnet, LE Govaert
Plastics, rubber and composites 40 (5), 201-212, 2011
Melt-spun fibers from bio-based polyester–fiber structure development in high-speed melt spinning of poly (ethylene 2, 5-furandicarboxylate)(PEF)
W Takarada, K Sugimoto, H Nakajima, HA Visser, GJM Gruter, T Kikutani
Materials 14 (5), 1172, 2021
Application of the load separation criterion in J-testing of ductile polymers: A round-robin testing exercise
S Agnelli, F Baldi, BRK Blackman, L Castellani, PM Frontini, ...
Polymer Testing 44, 72-81, 2015
Residual lifetime assessment of uPVC gas pipes
HA Visser
Characterising the fracture toughness of polymers at moderately high rates of loading with the use of instrumented tensile impact testing
HA Visser, F Caimmi, A Pavan
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 101, 67-79, 2013
Experimental characterisation of recycled (glass/TPU woven fabric) flake reinforced thermoplastic composites
MIA Rasheed, B Rietman, R Visser, R Akkerman
19th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM-19, 2013, 3999-4010, 2013
PVC pipes in gas distribution: still going strong!
R Hermkens, M Wolters, J Weller, R Visser
14th International Plastic Pipes Conference 2008, 2008
Solid-state additive manufacturing of AA6060 employing friction screw extrusion additive manufacturing
SS Rezaeinejad, DH Strik, RM Visser, TC Bor, M Luckabauer, ...
JOM 75 (10), 4199-4211, 2023
Reliable inkjet-printed interconnections on foil-type li-ion batteries
NB Palacios-Aguilera, HA Visser, A Sridhar, U Balda-Irurzun, ...
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 13 (1), 136-145, 2012
Investigation of PVC physical ageing in field test specimens using ultrasonic and dielectric measurements
A Demčenko, M Ravanan, HA Visser, R Loendersloot, R Akkerman
2012 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, 1909-1912, 2012
Plastics Pipes XIV
R Hermkens, M Wolters, J Weller, R Visser
Budapest, 2008
PEF as a multilayer barrier technology: a sustainable way to enable long shelf life in PET bottles
F Acquasanta, HA Visser, B Langius
ComPETence Magazine 2, 56-61, 2020
Effect of overlap length on the mechanical properties of flake reinforced thermoplastic composites
MIA Rasheed, FWJ van Hattum, B Rietman, HA Visser, R Akkerman
2nd Annual Composites and Advanced Materials Expo 2015, 589-602, 2015
A comparative study of heating elements used for the development of textile heaters
I Petcu, P Agrawal, A Curteza, R Visser, G Brinks, M Teodorescu
12th AUTEX World Textile Conference 2012, 2012
論文 1–20