Shannon L. Navy
Shannon L. Navy
Assistant Professor of Science Education, Kent State University
確認したメール アドレス: kent.edu
Theory of human motivation—Abraham Maslow
SL Navy
Science education in theory and practice: An introductory guide to learning …, 2020
Supporting newly hired teachers of science: Attaining teacher professional standards
JA Luft, SL Dubois, RS Nixon, BK Campbell
Studies in Science Education 51 (1), 1-48, 2015
Accessed or latent resources? Exploring new secondary science teachers' networks of resources
SL Navy, RS Nixon, JA Luft, MA Jurkiewicz
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 57 (2), 184-208, 2020
Development and validation of the classroom observation protocol for engineering design (COPED)
LB Wheeler, SL Navy, JL Maeng, BA Whitworth
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 56 (9), 1285-1305, 2019
PBL as a pedagogical approach for integrated STEM: Evidence from prospective teachers
SL Navy, F Kaya
School Science and Mathematics 120 (5), 285-296, 2020
Science Teacher Leadership: Learning from a Three-Year Leadership Program.
JA Luft, SL Dubois, J Kaufmann, L Plank
Science Educator 25 (1), 1-9, 2016
“Beyond an acronym, STEM is…”: Perceptions of STEM
SL Navy, F Kaya, B Boone, C Brewster, K Calvelage, T Ferdous, E Hood, ...
School Science and Mathematics 121 (1), 36-45, 2021
The first 5 years of teaching science: The beliefs, knowledge, practices, and opportunities to learn of secondary science teachers
JA Luft, SL Navy, SS Wong, KM Hill
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 59 (9), 1692-1725, 2022
Elementary science teachers’ integration of engineering design into science instruction: results from a randomised controlled trial
JL Maeng, BA Whitworth, AL Gonczi, SL Navy, LB Wheeler
International Journal of Science Education 39 (11), 1529-1548, 2017
Beginning secondary science teachers’ implementation of process skills, inquiry, and problem-based learning during the induction years: A randomised controlled trial
SL Navy, JL Maeng, RL Bell, F Kaya
International Journal of Science Education 43 (9), 1483-1503, 2021
Science education trajectories: charting the course for teachers, educators, researchers, and policymakers
JA Luft, BA Whitworth, A Berry, S Navy, V Kind
Journal of Science Teacher Education 30 (1), 63-79, 2019
Learning from a state professional development conference for science teachers: Beginning secondary science teachers’ experiences
SL Navy, JL Maeng, RL Bell
Journal of Science Teacher Education 30 (4), 409-428, 2019
Newly hired teachers of science: A better beginning
JA Luft, SL Dubois
Springer, 2015
Science teachers without classrooms of their own: A study of the phenomenon of floating
SL Dubois, JA Luft
Journal of science teacher education 25 (1), 5-23, 2014
Practices influenced by policy? An exploration of newly hired science teachers at sites in South Africa and the United States
SL Navy, JA Luft, R Toerien, PW Hewson
International Journal of Science Education 40 (8), 919-939, 2018
Development of the science teaching anxiety scale for preservice elementary teachers: A Rasch analysis
E Novak, I Soyturk, SL Navy
Science Education 106 (3), 739-764, 2022
Essential instructional practices for science teaching
JA Luft, SL Dubois
Science Education, 233-245, 2017
Methods & Strategies: How to Create Problem-Based Learning Units
S Navy, E Edmondson, J Maeng, A Gonczi, A Mannarino
Science and Children 56 (5), 68-72, 2019
Searching for quality: Examining Pinterest as a resource for teachers of science
SL Navy, RS Nixon
Teaching and Teacher Education 132, 104207, 2023
Developmental journeys from teaching experiences to the teaching profession: Cases of new secondary science teachers
SL Navy, MA Jurkiewicz, F Kaya
Journal of Science Teacher Education 33 (6), 664-682, 2022
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