Panayotis  Kalozoumis
Panayotis Kalozoumis
Hellenic American University, New Hampshire, USA / Athens, Grecce
確認したメール アドレス: hauniv.edu - ホームページ
Monte Carlo studies of the square Ising model with next-nearest-neighbor interactions
A Malakis, P Kalozoumis, N Tyraskis
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 50 (1 …, 2006
Entropic sampling via Wang-Landau random walks in dominant energy subspaces
PK A. Malakis, SS Martinos, IA Hadjiagapiou, NG Fytas
Phys. Rev. E 72, 066120, 2005
Local symmetries and perfect transmission in aperiodic photonic multilayers
PA Kalozoumis, C Morfonios, N Palaiodimopoulos, FK Diakonos, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (3), 033857, 2013
Finite size effects on topological interface states in one-dimensional scattering systems
PA Kalozoumis, G Theocharis, V Achilleos, S Félix, O Richoux, ...
Phys. Rev. A 98, 023838, 2018
Invariants of Broken Discrete Symmetries
PA Kalozoumis, C Morfonios, FK Diakonos, P Schmelcher
Physical Review Letters 113, 050403, 2014
Local symmetries in one-dimensional quantum scattering
PA Kalozoumis, C Morfonios, FK Diakonos, P Schmelcher
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (3), 032113, 2013
Invariant currents in lossy acoustic waveguides with complete local symmetry
PA Kalozoumis, O Richoux, FK Diakonos, G Theocharis, P Schmelcher
Physical Review B 92, 014303, 2015
Local symmetry dynamics in one-dimensional aperiodic lattices: a numerical study
C Morfonios, P Schmelcher, PA Kalozoumis, FK Diakonos
Nonlinear Dynamics 78 (1), 71-91, 2014
Systematic pathway to PT-symmetry breaking in scattering systems
PA Kalozoumis, G Pappas, FK Diakonos, P Schmelcher
Physical Review A 90 (4), 043809, 2014
-symmetry breaking in waveguides with competing loss-gain pairs
PA Kalozoumis, CV Morfonios, FK Diakonos, P Schmelcher
Physical Review A 93 (6), 063831, 2016
Topological edge-states of the PT-symmetric Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model: An effective two-state description
AF Tzortzakakis, A Katsaris, NE Palaiodimopoulos, PA Kalozoumis, ...
Physical Review A 106, 023513, 2022
Nonlocal discrete continuity and invariant currents in locally symmetric effective Schrödinger arrays
CV Morfonios, PA Kalozoumis, FK Diakonos, P Schmelcher
Annals of Physics 385, 623-649, 2017
Emitter and absorber assembly for multiple self-dual operation and directional transparency
PA Kalozoumis, CV Morfonios, G Kodaxis, FK Diakonos, P Schmelcher
Applied Physics Letters 110, 121106, 2017
First-order transition features of the triangular Ising model with nearest-and next-nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic interactions
A Malakis, NG Fytas, P Kalozoumis
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 383 (2), 351-371, 2007
Invariant currents and scattering off locally symmetric potential landscapes
PA Kalozoumis, CV Morfonios, FK Diakonos, P Schmelcher
Annals of Physics 362, 684-702, 2015
Invariant current approach to wave propagation in locally symmetric structures
VE Zampetakis, MK Diakonou, CV Morfonios, PA Kalozoumis, ...
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (19), 195304, 2016
Coherent population oscillations and an effective spin-exchange interaction in a PT-symmetric polariton mixture
PA Kalozoumis, GM Nikolopoulos, D Petrosyan
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 129 (3), 37003, 2020
Generalized continuity equations from two-field Schrödinger Lagrangians
AGB Spourdalakis, G Pappas, CV Morfonios, PA Kalozoumis, ...
Physical Review A 94 (5), 052122, 2016
Memory effects and quantum speedup for a quantum emitter near a molybdenum disulfide nanodisk
I Thanopulos, K Blekos, P Kalozoumis, V Karanikolas, E Paspalakis
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 133, 114780, 2021
Self-organized PT-symmetry of exciton-polariton condensate in a double-well potential
PA Kalozoumis, D Petrosyan
Applied Sciences 11 (16), 7372, 2021
論文 1–20