Brean W. Duncan
Brean W. Duncan
NASA Kennedy Space Center Ecological Program
確認したメール アドレス: nasa.gov
Setting reliability bounds on habitat suitability indices
MA Burgman, DR Breininger, BW Duncan, S Ferson
Ecological Applications 11 (1), 70-78, 2001
Anthropogenic influences on potential fire spread in a pyrogenic ecosystem of Florida, USA
BW Duncan, PA Schmalzer
Landscape ecology 19, 153-165, 2004
Runoff impacts of land-use change in Indian River Lagoon watershed
Y Kim, BA Engel, KJ Lim, V Larson, B Duncan
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 7 (3), 245-251, 2002
Coupling past management practice and historic landscape change on John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida
BW Duncan, S Boyle, DR Breininger, PA Schmalzer
Landscape Ecology 14, 291-309, 1999
Landscape patterns of Florida scrub jay habitat use and demographic success
DR Breininger, VL Larson, BW Duncan, RB Smith, DM Oddy, ...
Conservation Biology 9 (6), 1442-1453, 1995
Linking habitat suitability to demographic success in Florida Scrub-Jays.
DR Breininger, VL Larson, BW Duncan, RB Smith
Validating a Florida Scrub Jay habitat suitability model, using demography data on Kennedy Space Center.
BW Duncan, DR Breininger, PA Schmalzer, VL Larson
GPS and GIS methods in an African rain forest: applications to tropical ecology and conservation
NJ Dominy, B Duncan
Conservation Ecology 5 (2), 2002
Seed-spitting primates and the conservation and dispersion of large-seeded trees
NJ Dominy, BW Duncan
International journal of primatology 26, 631-649, 2005
Delineating a managed fire regime and exploring its relationship to the natural fire regime in East Central Florida, USA: A remote sensing and GIS approach
BW Duncan, G Shao, FW Adrian
Forest Ecology and Management 258 (2), 132-145, 2009
A Markov decision process for managing habitat for Florida scrub-jays
FA Johnson, DR Breininger, BW Duncan, JD Nichols, MC Runge, ...
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 2 (2), 234-246, 2011
Geographic analysis of California condor sighting data
DM Stoms, FW Davis, CB Cogan, MO Painho, BW Duncan, J Scepan, ...
Conservation Biology 7 (1), 148-159, 1993
Metapopulation dynamics of the California least tern
HR Akçakaya, JL Atwood, D Breininger, CT Collins, B Duncan
The Journal of wildlife management, 829-842, 2003
Historic landcover and recent landscape change in the North Indian River Lagoon watershed, Florida, USA.
BW Duncan, VL Larson, PA Schmalzer
Isolating the lightning ignition regime from a contemporary background fire regime in east-central Florida, USA
BW Duncan, FW Adrian, ED Stolen
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40 (2), 286-297, 2010
Relationships between fire frequency and vegetation type in pine flatwoods of east-central Florida, USA
DR Breininger, BW Duncan, NJ Dominy
Natural Areas Journal 22 (3), 186-193, 2002
Development and implementation of a scrub habitat compensation plan for Kennedy Space Center
PA Schmalzer, DR Breininger, FW Adrian, R Schaub, BW Duncan
Using lidar-derived vegetation profiles to predict time since fire in an oak scrub landscape in East-Central Florida
JJ Angelo, BW Duncan, JF Weishampel
Remote sensing 2 (2), 514-525, 2010
Multistate modeling of habitat dynamics: factors affecting Florida scrub transition probabilities
DR Breininger, JD Nichols, BW Duncan, ED Stolen, GM Carter, DK Hunt, ...
Ecology 91 (11), 3354-3364, 2010
Comparing fuels reduction and patch mosaic fire regimes for reducing fire spread potential: A spatial modeling approach
BW Duncan, PA Schmalzer, DR Breininger, ED Stolen
Ecological Modelling 314, 90-99, 2015
論文 1–20