Folker Hanusch
Folker Hanusch
Professor of Journalism, University of Vienna
確認したメール アドレス: univie.ac.at - ホームページ
Mapping journalism cultures across nations: A comparative study of 18 countries
T Hanitzsch, F Hanusch, C Mellado, M Anikina, R Berganza, I Cangoz, ...
Journalism studies 12 (3), 273-293, 2011
Worlds of journalism: Journalistic cultures around the globe
T Hanitzsch, F Hanusch, J Ramaprasad, AS De Beer
Columbia University Press, 2019
Modeling perceived influences on journalism: Evidence from a cross-national survey of journalists
T Hanitzsch, M Anikina, R Berganza, I Cangoz, M Coman, B Hamada, ...
Journalism & mass communication quarterly 87 (1), 5-22, 2010
Broadening the focus: The case for lifestyle journalism as a field of scholarly inquiry
F Hanusch
Lifestyle Journalism, 1-10, 2014
Representing death in the news: Journalism, media and mortality
F Hanusch
Springer, 2010
Web analytics and the functional differentiation of journalism cultures: individual, organizational and platform-specific influences on newswork
F Hanusch
Information, Communication & Society 20 (10), 1571-1586, 2017
Journalistic branding on Twitter: A representative study of Australian journalists’ profile descriptions
F Hanusch, A Bruns
Digital journalism 5 (1), 26-43, 2017
Does gender determine journalists’ professional views? A reassessment based on cross-national evidence
T Hanitzsch, F Hanusch
European Journal of Communication 27 (3), 257-277, 2012
Exploring the boundaries of journalism: Instagram micro-bloggers in the twilight zone of lifestyle journalism
P Maares, F Hanusch
Journalism 21 (2), 262-278, 2020
The dimensions of travel journalism: Exploring new fields for journalism research beyond the news
F Hanusch
Journalism studies 11 (1), 68-82, 2010
Comments, analytics, and social media: The impact of audience feedback on journalists’ market orientation
F Hanusch, EC Tandoc Jr
Journalism 20 (6), 695-713, 2019
Journalism across cultures: An introduction
L Obijiofor, F Hanusch
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017
Journalistic roles and everyday life: An empirical account of lifestyle journalists’ professional views
F Hanusch
Journalism Studies 20 (2), 193-211, 2019
The pre-socialization of future journalists: An examination of journalism students' professional views in seven countries
C Mellado, F Hanusch, ML Humanes, S Roses, F Pereira, L Yez, ...
Journalism Studies 14 (6), 857-874, 2013
Comparing journalistic cultures across nations: What we can learn from the worlds of journalism study
F Hanusch, T Hanitzsch
Journalism Studies 18 (5), 525-535, 2017
Mediating orientation and self-expression in the world of consumption: Australian and German lifestyle journalists’ professional views
F Hanusch, T Hanitzsch
Media, Culture & Society 35 (8), 943-959, 2013
The labour of visual authenticity on social media: Exploring producers’ and audiences’ perceptions on Instagram
P Maares, S Banjac, F Hanusch
Poetics 84, 101502, 2021
Worlds of journalism: Journalistic cultures, professional autonomy, and perceived influences across 18 nations
T Hanitzsch, J Seethaler, EA Skewes, M Anikina, R Berganza, I Cangöz, ...
The global journalist in the 21st century, 473-494, 2020
Interpretations of the journalistic field: A systematic analysis of how journalism scholarship appropriates Bourdieusian thought
P Maares, F Hanusch
Journalism 23 (4), 736-754, 2022
‘How much love are you going to give this brand?’Lifestyle journalists on commercial influences in their work
F Hanusch, T Hanitzsch, C Lauerer
Journalism 18 (2), 141-158, 2017
論文 1–20