Yousef Sardahi
Yousef Sardahi
Associate Professor , Marshall University
確認したメール アドレス: marshall.edu
Simple cell mapping method for multi-objective optimal feedback control design
C Hernández, Y Naranjani, Y Sardahi, W Liang, O Schütze, JQ Sun
International Journal of Dynamics and Control 1, 231-238, 2013
Hunting stability analysis of high-speed train bogie under the frame lateral vibration active control
Y Yao, G Wu, Y Sardahi, JQ Sun
Vehicle System Dynamics 56 (2), 297-318, 2018
Stability enhancement of a high-speed train bogie using active mass inertial actuators
Y Yao, G Li, Y Sardahi, JQ Sun
Vehicle system dynamics 57 (3), 389-407, 2019
Multi-objective optimization of distributed-order fractional damping
Y Naranjani, Y Sardahi, YQ Chen, JQ Sun
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 24 (1-3), 159-168, 2015
Optimal PID-Fuzzy Logic Controller for type 1 diabetic patients
M Al-Fandi, MA Jaradat, Y Sardahi
2012 8th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications, 1-7, 2012
Multi-objective optimal design of control systems
Y Sardahi
University of California, Merced, 2016
Optimal PI-fuzzy logic controller of glucose concentration using genetic algorithm
M Al-Fandi, MAK Jaradat, Y Sardahi
International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems …, 2011
Multi-objective optimal design of passive suspension system with inerter damper
X Xu, Y Sardahi, C Zheng
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 51913, V003T40A006, 2018
Multi-objective optimal design of four-parameter PID controls
Y Sardahi, A Boker
Dynamic systems and control conference 51890, V001T01A001, 2018
Many-objective optimal design of sliding mode controls
Y Sardahi, JQ Sun
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 139 (1), 014501, 2017
Sensing and quantifying a new mechanism for vehicle brake creep groan
D Meng, L Zhang, X Xu, Y Sardahi, GS Chen
Shock and Vibration 2019 (1), 1843205, 2019
A genetic algorithm and cell mapping hybrid method for multi-objective optimization problems
Y Naranjani, Y Sardahi, JQ Sun
2014 11th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing …, 2014
A multi-objective optimal PID control for a nonlinear system with time delay
F Xiong, Z Qin, C Hernández, Y Sardahi, Y Narajani, W Liang, Y Xue, ...
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 3 (6), 063006, 2013
Fine structure of pareto front of multi-objective optimal feedback control design
Y Naranjani, Y Sardahi, JQ Sun, C Hernandez, O Schuetze
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 56123, V001T15A009, 2013
Intelligent control of glucose concentration based on an implantable insulin delivery system for type I diabetes
M Al-Fandi, MA Jaradat, Y Sardahi, L Al-Ebbini, M Khaleel
2011 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing …, 2011
Intelligent control of miniature holonomic vertical take-off and landing robot
MA Jaradat, M Al-Fandi, O Alkhatib, Y Sardahi
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 29 (3), 1209-1217, 2015
A simple cell mapping and genetic algorithm hybrid method for multi-objective optimization problems
Y Naranjani, Y Sardahi, J Fernández, O Schütze, JQ Sun
Proceedings of EVOLVE, 2014
Three‐time scale multi‐objective optimal PID control with filter design
M Aafaque, A Boker, Y Sardahi
Asian Journal of Control 25 (5), 3356-3368, 2023
Multi-objective optimal design of a PID sliding mode controller with three different reaching laws
X Xu, Y Sardahi, A Boker
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 59155, V002T25A002, 2019
Many-objective optimal and robust design of proportional-integral-derivative controls with a state observer
Y Sardahi, JQ Sun, C Hernández, O Schütze
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 139 (2), 024502, 2017
論文 1–20