A. Farzadi
A. Farzadi
Associate Professor, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of
確認したメール アドレス: aut.ac.ir - ホームページ
Phase-field simulation of weld solidification microstructure in an Al–Cu alloy
A Farzadi, M Do-Quang, S Serajzadeh, AH Kokabi, G Amberg
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 16 (6), 065005, 2008
Theoretical and experimental study of microstructures and weld pool geometry during GTAW of 304 stainless steel
H Jamshidi Aval, A Farzadi, S Serajzadeh, AH Kokabi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 42, 1043-1051, 2009
Optimization of operational parameters in friction stir welding of AA7075-T6 aluminum alloy using response surface method
A Farzadi, M Bahmani, DF Haghshenas
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 42, 4905-4916, 2017
Simulation of strain rate, material flow, and nugget shape during dissimilar friction stir welding of AA6061 aluminum alloy and Al-Mg2Si composite
E Sharghi, A Farzadi
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 748, 953-960, 2018
Vacuum TLP bonding of Inconel 617 superalloy using Ni-Cr-Si-Fe-B filler metal: metallurgical structure and mechanical properties
H Esmaeili, SE Mirsalehi, A Farzadi
Vacuum 152, 305-311, 2018
Modeling of heat transfer and fluid flow during gas tungsten arc welding of commercial pure aluminum
A Farzadi, S Serajzadeh, AH Kokabi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 38, 258-267, 2008
Developing an AFM-based SECM system; instrumental setup, SECM simulation, characterization, and calibration
A Davoodi, A Farzadi, J Pan, C Leygraf, Y Zhu
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 155 (8), C474, 2008
Investigation of weld pool in aluminum alloys: geometry and solidification microstructure
A Farzadi, S Serajzadeh, AH Kokabi
International journal of thermal sciences 49 (5), 809-819, 2010
Effect of joining atmosphere in transient liquid phase bonding of Inconel 617 superalloy
H Esmaeili, SE Mirsalehi, A Farzadi
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 48, 3259-3269, 2017
Transient liquid phase bonding of Inconel 617 superalloy: effect of filler metal type and bonding time
A Farzadi, H Esmaeili, SE Mirsalehi
Welding in the World 63, 191-200, 2019
Investigate the causes of cracks in welded 310 stainless steel used in the Flare tip
M Yousefi, MH Farghadin, A Farzadi
Engineering Failure Analysis 53, 138-147, 2015
Dissimilar transient liquid phase bonding of Ti–6Al–4V and Co–Cr–Mo biomaterials using a Cu interlayer: Microstructure and mechanical properties
S Vazirian, A Farzadi
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 829, 154510, 2020
Microstructure and phase analysis of multilayer Ni–Cr–Mo clad for corrosion protection
M Najafi, M Moshkbar Bakhshayesh, A Farzadi
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 74 (7), 1663-1672, 2021
Gas pipeline failure caused by in-service welding
A Farzadi
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 138 (1), 011405, 2016
Measurement of degree of sensitization in post-weld heat treated 13Cr-4Ni martensitic stainless steel clad using double loop electrochemical potentiokinetic technique
MM Bakhshayesh, A Farzadi, A Doustahadi, M Nouripour
Engineering Failure Analysis 134, 106046, 2022
Prediction of solidification behaviour of weld pool through modelling of heat transfer and fluid flow during gas tungsten arc welding of commercial pure aluminium
A Farzadi, S Serajzadeh, AH Kokabi
Materials Science and Technology 24 (12), 1427-1432, 2008
Correlation between precipitate microstructure and mechanical properties in AA7075‐T6 aluminum alloy friction stir welded joints: Korrelation zwischen Mikrostruktur der …
A Farzadi
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 48 (2), 151-162, 2017
Molecular dynamics study of the effect of alloying elements and imperfections on linear friction welding of Cu and Ni metals
M Khodakarami, A Farzadi, A Ramazani
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 101, 107712, 2020
Modeling of isothermal recovery and recrystallization kinetics by means of hardness measurements: Modell zur isothermen Erholung und Rekristallisationskinetiken anhand von …
A Farzadi
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 46 (12), 1218-1225, 2015
Simulation of temperature distribution and heat generation during dissimilar friction stir welding of AA6061 aluminum alloy and Al-Mg2Si composite
E Sharghi, A Farzadi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-13, 2021
論文 1–20