Susan Elias
Susan Elias
Professor @Deputy Director
確認したメール アドレス: vit.ac.in - ホームページ
Probabilistic ontology based activity recognition in smart homes using Markov Logic Network
KS Gayathri, KS Easwarakumar, S Elias
Knowledge-Based Systems 121, 173-184, 2017
Hierarchical activity recognition for dementia care using Markov Logic Network
KS Gayathri, S Elias, B Ravindran
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 19, 271-285, 2015
View-invariant gait recognition through genetic template segmentation
ERHP Isaac, S Elias, S Rajagopalan, KS Easwarakumar
IEEE signal processing letters 24 (8), 1188-1192, 2017
Multiview gait-based gender classification through pose-based voting
ERHP Isaac, S Elias, S Rajagopalan, KS Easwarakumar
Pattern Recognition Letters 126, 41-50, 2019
A REST based design for Web of Things in smart environments
S Elias, S Shivashankar, P Manoj
2012 2nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid …, 2012
An ontology and pattern clustering approach for activity recognition in smart environments
KS Gayathri, S Elias, S Shivashankar
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Soft Computing for …, 2014
Improved personalized e-course composition approach using modified particle swarm optimization with inertia-coefficient
SG Dheeban, V Deepak, L Dhamodharan, S Elias
International Journal of Computer Applications 1 (6), 102-107, 2010
Dynamic consistency checking for temporal and spatial relations in multimedia presentations
S Elias, KS Easwarakumar, R Chbeir
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1380-1384, 2006
Trait of gait: A survey on gait biometrics
ERHP Isaac, S Elias, S Rajagopalan, KS Easwarakumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.10744, 2019
Fuzzy ontology based activity recognition for assistive health care using smart home
KS Gayathri, KS Easwarakumar, S Elias
International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT) 16 (1 …, 2020
Personalized e-course composition approach using digital pheromones in improved particle swarm optimization
SC AP, SG Dheeban, V Deepak, S Elias
2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation 5, 2677-2681, 2010
Composite activity recognition in smart homes using Markov logic network
KS Gayathri, S Elias, S Shivashankar
2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2015 …, 2015
Critical correlation of predictors for an efficient risk prediction framework of ICU patient using correlation and transformation of MIMIC-III dataset
SR Khope, S Elias
Data Science and Engineering 7 (1), 71-86, 2022
Smart neck-band for rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders
KVR Kumar, S Elias
2020 International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS …, 2020
An applications interoperability model for heterogeneous internet of things environments
S Mukherjee, S Elias
Computers & Electrical Engineering 64, 163-172, 2017
Referral based expertise search system in a time evolving social network
S Pushpa, KS Easwarakumar, S Elias, Z Maamar
Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Bangalore Conference, 1-8, 2010
A survey on lung CT datasets and research trends
RV Adiraju, S Elias
Research on Biomedical Engineering 37 (2), 403-418, 2021
Template-based gait authentication through Bayesian thresholding
ERHP Isaac, S Elias, S Rajagopalan, KS Easwarakumar
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 6 (1), 209-219, 2019
Fedukd: Federated unet model with knowledge distillation for land use classification from satellite and street views
R Kanagavelu, K Dua, P Garai, N Thomas, S Elias, S Elias, Q Wei, L Yong, ...
Electronics 12 (4), 896, 2023
Real-time tracking of human neck postures and movements
KVR Kumar, S Elias
Healthcare 9 (12), 1755, 2021
論文 1–20