オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - María Eugenia Gras詳細
一般には非公開: 3 件
Types of polydrug use among Spanish adolescents
S Font-Mayolas, ME Gras, N Cebrián, A Salamó, M Planes, MJM Sullman
Addictive behaviors 38 (3), 1605-1609, 2013
委任: Government of Spain
A clinical trial comparing smoking cessation interventions at two levels of intensity in stroke patients, stratified by the presence of insular cortex lesions
R Suñer-Soler, A Grau-Martín, M Terceño, Y Silva, E Maldonado, ME Gras, ...
Nicotine and Tobacco Research 24 (1), 44-52, 2022
委任: Government of Spain
Perceived acceptance of condom use by partners, close friends, and parents of Spanish and Mozambican heterosexual adolescents
M Planes, ME Gras, M Cunill, H Cassamo, MJM Sullman, AB Gómez
Journal of Transcultural Nursing 23 (1), 22-28, 2012
委任: Government of Spain
一般公開: 6 件
What leads subjective well-being to change throughout adolescence? An exploration of potential factors
M González-Carrasco, F Casas, F Viñas, S Malo, ME Gras, L Bedin
Child Indicators Research 10, 33-56, 2017
委任: Government of Spain
Búsqueda de sensaciones y consumo de alcohol: El papel mediador de la percepción de riesgos y beneficios
B González-Iglesias, JA Gómez-Fraguela, ME Gras, M Planes
Anales de psicología 30 (3), 1061-1068, 2014
委任: Government of Spain
Satisfacción con la vida y consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en la adolescencia
LM Boix, SF Mayolas, MEG Pérez
Cuadernos de medicina psicosomática y psiquiatría de enlace, 6, 2012
委任: Government of Spain
Cooperative approaches and academic motivation towards enhancing pre-service teachers’ achievement
D Cañabate, ME Gras, T Serra, J Colomer
Education Sciences 11 (11), 705, 2021
委任: US Institute of Education Sciences
Risk perception and stages of smoking cquisition
S Font-Mayolas, ME Gras, M Planes, J Patiño, MJM Sullman
Salud y drogas 13 (2), 117-122, 2013
委任: Government of Spain
Cooperative approaches and academic motivation towards enhancing pre-service teachers' achievement
D Cañabate Ortiz, ME Gras Pérez, T Serra Putellas, J Colomer
Education Sciences, 2021, vol. 11, núm. 11, p. 705, 2021
委任: US Institute of Education Sciences
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