Pedro Prieto-Martín
Pedro Prieto-Martín
確認したメール アドレス: ids.ac.uk - ホームページ
Going beyond the smart city? Implementing technopolitical platforms for urban democracy in Madrid and Barcelona
A Smith, PP Martín
Journal of Urban Technology, 1-20, 2020
Caracterizando la participación ciudadana en el marco del Gobierno Abierto
P Prieto-Martín, Á Ramírez-Alujas
Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia, 2014
The impact of digital technology on economic growth and productivity, and its implications for employment and equality: An evidence review
K Hernandez, B Faith, P Prieto Martín, B Ramalingam
IDS Evidence Report 207, 2016
Las alas de Leo. La participación ciudadana del siglo XX
P Prieto-Martín
Asociación Ciudades Kyosei - Bubok, 2010
The e-(R)evolution will not be funded: An interdisciplinary and critical analysis of the developments and troubles of EU-funded eParticipation
P Prieto-Martín, L de Marcos, JJ Martínez
European Journal of ePractice 15, 62-89, 2012
Sistemas avanzados para la participación electrónica municipal: ejes conceptuales para su diseño
P Prieto-Martín
Textos de la Cibersociedad 9, 2006
Ten frontier technologies for international development
B Ramalingam, K Hernandez, PP Martin, B Faith
Institute of Development Studies: Brighton, UK, 2016
A Critical Analysis of EU-Funded eParticipation
P Prieto-Martin, L de Marcos, JJ Martinez
Empowering Open and Collaborative Governance: Technologies and Methods for …, 2012
Doing digital development differently: lessons in adaptive management from technology for governance initiatives in Kenya
P Prieto-Martin, B Faith, K Hernandez, B Ramalingam
Making All Voices Count Research Report, Brighton: IDS, 2017
Participation Schemas: a tool to characterize collaborative participation
P Prieto-Martín
PDD2014, Contemporarty difficulties and future prospects for Participatory …, 2014
Virtual Environments for Citizen Participation: Principal Bases for Design
P Prieto-Martín
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on e-Government (ECEG 2006), 2006
The contribution of digital technologies to service delivery: an evidence review
S Sharmin, B Faith, PP Martín, B Ramalingam
Institute of Development Studies, 2017
Civil society and civic engagement in a time of change
B Faith, P Prieto-Martin
IDS Bulletin 47 (2A), 137-144, 2016
“E pur si muove!” La participación electrónica más allá de los galimatías académicos
P Prieto-Martín
GIGAPP Estudios Working Papers, 2012
Putting e-Participation research on the service of Civil Society
P Prieto-Martín
European Research Workshop: Mapping eParticipation. 7th Mediterranean …, 2006
The Impact of Digital Technology on Environmental Sustainability and Resilience: An Evidence Review
B Rudram, B Faith, P Prieto Martín, B Ramalingam
IDS, 2016
Participación Ciudadana y TICs en el ámbito municipal: el caso Consensus en Cataluña
P Prieto-Martín
II Congreso online del Observatorio para la Cibersociedad. ¿Hacia qué …, 2004
De la gobernabilidad a la gobernanza local: marco conceptual y metodológico
P Prieto Martín
Cataluña: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Obtenido de http://www …, 2003
Designing contribution analysis of participatory programming to tackle the worst forms of child labour
M Apgar, M Snijder, PP Martin, G Ton, S Macleod, S Kakri, S Paul
CLARISSA research and evidence paper 2, 2022
The Contribution of Digital Technology to Citizenship, Accountability and Rights: An Evidence Review
R Seth, B Faith, P Prieto Martín, B Ramalingam
IDS, 2016
論文 1–20