Dr. S Gomathi
Dr. S Gomathi
ieee.org의 이메일 확인됨
Breast cancer image classification using transfer learning and convolutional neural network
T Sharma, R Nair, S Gomathi
International Journal of Modern Research 2 (1), 8-16, 2022
A review on privacy-preserving data preprocessing
M Soni, YK Barot, S Gomathi
Full Length Article 4 (2: Special Issue-RIDAPPH), 16-6-30, 2021
Pattern analysis: predicting COVID-19 pandemic in India using AutoML
S Gomathi, R Kohli, M Soni, G Dhiman, R Nair
World Journal of Engineering 19 (1), 21-28, 2022
Hybridizing convolutional neural network for classification of lung diseases
M Soni, S Gomathi, P Kumar, PP Churi, MA Mohammed, AO Salman
International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research (IJSIR) 13 (2), 1-15, 2022
[Retracted] Dense Convolutional Neural Network for Detection of Cancer from CT Images
SVN Sreenivasu, S Gomathi, MJ Kumar, L Prathap, A Madduri, ...
BioMed Research International 2022 (1), 1293548, 2022
WITHDRAWN: Review of ECG arrhythmia classification using deep neural network
D Gupta, B Bajpai, G Dhiman, M Soni, S Gomathi, D Mane
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021
WITHDRAWN: A survey on applications and security issues of blockchain technology in business sectors
S Gomathi, M Soni, G Dhiman, R Govindaraj, P Kumar
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021
IOT assisted MQTT for segregation and monitoring of waste for smart cities
K Jaikumar, T Brindha, TK Deepalakshmi, S Gomathi
2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication …, 2020
Natural language processing for the job portal enhancement
M Soni, S Gomathi, YBK Adhyaru
2020 7th International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS), 1-4, 2020
Metrics for component based measurement tools
PE Linda, VM Bashini, S Gomathi
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 2 (5), 199-204, 2011
Comprehensive decision-making with spherical fermatean neutrosophic sets in structural engineering
P Roopadevi, M Karpagadevi, S Krishnaprakash, S Broumi, S Gomathi
International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS) 24 (4), 2024
Cubic Spherical Neutrosophic Sets
S Gomathi, S Krishnaprakash, M Karpagadevi, S Broumi
Full Length Article 21 (4), 172-72-180, 2023
Implementing big data analytics to predict systemic lupus erythematosus
S Gomathi, V Narayani
2015 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and …, 2015
A cryptography using advanced substitution technique and symmetric key generating algorithm
S Gomathi
2014 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control …, 2014
Cotton leaf spot disease detection using multi-class SVM
M Soni, S Gomathi
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Advanced Technology 8 …, 2020
Monitoring of Lupus disease using Decision Tree Induction classification algorithm
S Gomathi, V Narayani
2015 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication …, 2015
A proposed framework using CAC algorithm to predict systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
S Gomathi, V Narayani
2016 World Conference on Futuristic Trends in Research and Innovation for …, 2016
Social distancing and face mask monitoring system using deep learning based on COVID-19 directive measures
S Swetha, J Vijayalakshmi, S Gomathi
2021 4th International Conference on Computing and Communications …, 2021
Implementation of Statistical Data Analytics in Data Science Life Cycle
S Gomathi, RP Ragavi, S Monika
Intelligent Computing and Innovation on Data Science, 305-313, 2020
A deep learning of autism Spectrum disorder using Naïve Bayes, IBk and J48 classifiers
S Gomathi
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, 2019
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