Tung Lik Lee
Tung Lik Lee
ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
stfc.ac.uk의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Non-destructive testing and evaluation of composite materials/structures: A state-of-the-art review
B Wang, S Zhong, TL Lee, KS Fancey, J Mi
Advances in mechanical engineering 12 (4), 1687814020913761, 2020
Residual stress and texture control in Ti-6Al-4V wire+ arc additively manufactured intersections by stress relief and rolling
JR Hönnige, PA Colegrove, B Ahmad, ME Fitzpatrick, S Ganguly, TL Lee, ...
Materials & Design 150, 193-205, 2018
Ultrafast synchrotron X-ray imaging studies of microstructure fragmentation in solidification under ultrasound
B Wang, D Tan, TL Lee, JC Khong, F Wang, D Eskin, T Connolley, ...
Acta Materialia 144, 505-515, 2018
The effects of Ta on the stress rupture properties and microstructural stability of a novel Ni-base superalloy for land-based high temperature applications
L Zheng, G Zhang, TL Lee, MJ Gorley, Y Wang, C Xiao, Z Li
Materials & Design 61, 61-69, 2014
In situ high speed imaging study and modelling of the fatigue fragmentation of dendritic structures in ultrasonic fields
S Wang, J Kang, Z Guo, TL Lee, X Zhang, Q Wang, C Deng, J Mi
Acta Materialia 165, 388-397, 2019
Time-of-flight neutron imaging on IMAT@ ISIS: a new user facility for materials science
W Kockelmann, T Minniti, DE Pooley, G Burca, R Ramadhan, FA Akeroyd, ...
Journal of Imaging 4 (3), 47, 2018
High-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging studies of the ultrasound shockwave and enhanced flow during metal solidification processes
D Tan, TL Lee, JC Khong, T Connolley, K Fezzaa, J Mi
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46, 2851-2861, 2015
Evaluation of residual stresses induced by cold spraying of Ti-6Al-4V on Ti-6Al-4V substrates
D Boruah, B Ahmad, TL Lee, S Kabra, AK Syed, P McNutt, M Doré, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 374, 591-602, 2019
In Situ Synchrotron X-ray Study of Ultrasound Cavitation and Its Effect on Solidification Microstructures
J Mi, D Tan, TL Lee
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 46, 1615-1619, 2015
A validated analytical-numerical modelling strategy to predict residual stresses in single-track laser deposited IN718
TR Walker, CJ Bennett, TL Lee, AT Clare
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 151, 609-621, 2019
Study of precipitation-assisted stress relaxation and creep behavior during the ageing of a nickel-iron superalloy
H Qin, Z Bi, D Li, R Zhang, TL Lee, G Feng, H Dong, J Du, J Zhang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 742, 493-500, 2019
Hydrogen embrittlement in super duplex stainless steels
XZ Liang, GH Zhao, MF Dodge, TL Lee, HB Dong, ...
Materialia 9, 100524, 2020
Evolution of Lattice Spacing of Gamma Double Prime Precipitates During Aging of Polycrystalline Ni-Base Superalloys: An In Situ Investigation
RY Zhang, HL Qin, ZN Bi, J Li, S Paul, TL Lee, SY Zhang, J Zhang, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 51, 574-585, 2020
Effect of hydrogen charging on dislocation multiplication in pre-strained super duplex stainless steel
XZ Liang, MF Dodge, S Kabra, JF Kelleher, TL Lee, HB Dong
Scripta materialia 143, 20-24, 2018
Temperature-dependent misfit stress in gamma double prime strengthened Ni-base superalloys
RY Zhang, HL Qin, ZN Bi, J Li, S Paul, TL Lee, SY Zhang, J Zhang, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 51, 1860-1873, 2020
Characterization of residual stress in laser melting deposited CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy by neutron diffraction
HG Li, TL Lee, W Zheng, YZ Lu, HBC Yin, JX Yang, YJ Huang, JF Sun
Materials Letters 263, 127247, 2020
The interdendritic-melt solidification control (IMSC) and its effects on the porosity and phase change of a Ni-based superalloy
L Zheng, G Zhang, C Xiao, TL Lee, B Han, Z Li, D Daisenberger, J Mi
Scripta Materialia 74, 84-87, 2014
In situ neutron diffraction study of a new type of stress-induced confined martensitic transformation in Fe22Co20Ni19Cr20Mn12Al7 high-entropy alloy
Y Shi, S Li, TL Lee, X Hui, Z Zhang, R Li, M Zhang, S Kabra, YD Wang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 771, 138555, 2020
A novel numerical method to predict the transient track geometry and thermomechanical effects through in-situ modification of the process parameters in Direct Energy Deposition
TR Walker, CJ Bennett, TL Lee, AT Clare
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 169, 103347, 2020
Ultrafast X-ray imaging and modelling of ultrasonic cavitations in liquid metal
TL Lee, JC Khong, K Fezzaa, JW Mi
Materials Science Forum 765, 190-194, 2013
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