Najam Ul Zia
Najam Ul Zia
brookes.ac.uk의 이메일 확인됨
Big data analytics capability and decision-making: The role of data-driven insight on circular economy performance
U Awan, S Shamim, Z Khan, NU Zia, SM Shariq, MN Khan
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 168, 120766, 2021
Big data analytics capability and decision making performance in emerging market firms: The role of contractual and relational governance mechanisms
S Shamim, J Zeng, Z Khan, NU Zia
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 161, 120315, 2020
Knowledge-oriented leadership, knowledge management behaviour and innovation performance in project-based SMEs. The moderating role of goal orientations
NU Zia
Journal of Knowledge Management 24 (8), 1819-1839, 2020
Big data management capabilities in the hospitality sector: Service innovation and customer generated online quality ratings
S Shamim, Y Yang, NU Zia, MH Shah
Computers in Human Behavior 121, 106777, 2021
Responsible leadership an obstacle for turnover intention
R Yasin, SO Namoco, J Jauhar, NF Abdul Rahim, NU Zia
Social Responsibility Journal 17 (8), 1175-1192, 2021
Inter-organizational social capital of firms in developing economies and industry 4.0 readiness: the role of innovative capability and absorptive capacity
N ul zia, L Burita, Y Yang
Review of Managerial Science 17 (2), 661-682, 2023
Avoiding crisis-driven business failure through digital dynamic capabilities. B2B distribution firms during the COVID-19 and beyond
NU Zia, S Shamim, J Zeng, U Awan, F Chromjakova, P Akhtar, M Orel
Industrial Marketing Management 113, 14-29, 2023
Mechanisms of cognitive trust development in artificial intelligence among front line employees: An empirical examination from a developing economy
SMS Saqib Shamim, Yumei Yang, Najam Ul Zia, Zaheer Khan
Journal of Business Research 167 (114168), 2023
Impact of Salesman Behavior on Customer Satisfaction: An Emprical Study of Dairy Retail Handlers
N ul Zia, MW Akram
Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Kuwait Chapter) 5 (8), 20-32, 2016
The role of advertising on consumer buying decision in Pakistan
N Ul Zia
Singaporean Journal of Business Economics, and Management Studies 5 (4), 39-47, 2016
Factors effecting consumer brand preferences in automobile Industry
N ul Zia, M Sohail
Singaporean Journal of Business, Economics and Management Studies 51 (3814 …, 2016
How Customers Are Willing to Pay Price Premium on the Bases of Brand Image for Food Brands?: An Epical Study
NU Zia, M Sohail
Oman Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review 34 (3796 …, 2016
A viewpoint on management practices for cybersecurity in industry 4.0 environment
NU Zia, VK Owusu
ECCWS 2020 20th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 435, 2020
Mindfulness and creative process engagement: the mediating role of workplace relational systems
U Awan, M Sufyan, I Ameer, S Shamim, P Akhtar, NU Zia
Journal of Managerial Psychology 39 (3), 241-263, 2024
A managerial review and guidelines for Industry 4.0 factories on cybersecurity
NU Zia, L Buřita, A Huseynova, VK Owusu
European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, ECCWS, 2022
Social media communication affecting consumer brand perception
NU Zia, MS Mir
Journal of Policy and Development Studies 289 (3784), 1-10, 2016
Social capital and Industry 4.0 readiness in developing countries. Role of potential and realized absorptive capacity
NU Zia, F Chromjaková, L Buřita
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2021
Sociální kapitál a připravenost průmyslu 4.0: Úloha inovativních schopností, účinnost průmyslu 4.0 a dynamické schopnosti založené na znalostech
NU Zia
Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, 2022
Inter-organizational social capital of firms in developing economies and industry 4.0 readiness: the role of innovative capability and absorptive capacity Author-1
NU Zia, L Buřita, Y Yang
Review of Managerial Science, 2022
Holistic Perspective of Globally Accepted Research on Social-Media Marketing on SME Perspective
A Huseynova, NU Zia
ECSM 2021 8th European Conference on Social Media, 90, 2021
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