Helen Blair Simpson
Helen Blair Simpson
Professor of Psychiatry
cumc.columbia.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of exposure and ritual prevention, clomipramine, and their combination in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder
EB Foa, MR Liebowitz, MJ Kozak, S Davies, R Campeas, ME Franklin, ...
American Journal of psychiatry 162 (1), 151-161, 2005
Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
American Psychiatric Association, LM Koran, GL Hanna, E Hollander, ...
American Psychiatric Association 164 (7), 5-53, 2007
Obsessive–compulsive disorder
DJ Stein, DLC Costa, C Lochner, EC Miguel, YCJ Reddy, RG Shavitt, ...
Nature reviews Disease primers 5 (1), 52, 2019
Repeated cortico-striatal stimulation generates persistent OCD-like behavior
SE Ahmari, T Spellman, NL Douglass, MA Kheirbek, HB Simpson, ...
Science 340 (6137), 1234-1239, 2013
Brain pathways for learned and unlearned vocalizations differ in zebra finches
HB Simpson, DS Vicario
Journal of Neuroscience 10 (5), 1541-1556, 1990
Obsessive–compulsive disorder: a review of the diagnostic criteria and possible subtypes and dimensional specifiers for DSM‐V
JF Leckman, D Denys, HB Simpson, D Mataix‐Cols, E Hollander, ...
Depression and anxiety 27 (6), 507-527, 2010
Quality of life and functional impairment in obsessive–compulsive disorder: a comparison of patients with and without comorbidity, patients in remission, and healthy controls
JD Huppert, HB Simpson, KJ Nissenson, MR Liebowitz, EB Foa
Depression and anxiety 26 (1), 39-45, 2009
Randomized controlled crossover trial of ketamine in obsessive-compulsive disorder: proof-of-concept
CI Rodriguez, LS Kegeles, A Levinson, T Feng, SM Marcus, D Vermes, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 38 (12), 2475-2483, 2013
A randomized, controlled trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy for augmenting pharmacotherapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder
HB Simpson, EB Foa, MR Liebowitz, DR Ledley, JD Huppert, S Cahill, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 165 (5), 621-630, 2008
The OCI-R: validation of the subscales in a clinical sample
JD Huppert, MR Walther, G Hajcak, E Yadin, EB Foa, HB Simpson, ...
Journal of anxiety disorders 21 (3), 394-406, 2007
Distinct subcortical volume alterations in pediatric and adult OCD: a worldwide meta-and mega-analysis
PSW Boedhoe, L Schmaal, Y Abe, SH Ameis, PD Arnold, MC Batistuzzo, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 174 (1), 60-69, 2017
Towards an international expert consensus for defining treatment response, remission, recovery and relapse in obsessive‐compulsive disorder
D Mataix‐Cols, LF de la Cruz, AE Nordsletten, F Lenhard, K Isomura, ...
World Psychiatry 15 (1), 80, 2016
Randomized sham-controlled trial of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment-resistant obsessive–compulsive disorder
A Mantovani, HB Simpson, BA Fallon, S Rossi, SH Lisanby
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 13 (2), 217-227, 2010
Cognitive-behavioral therapy vs risperidone for augmenting serotonin reuptake inhibitors in obsessive-compulsive disorder: a randomized clinical trial
HB Simpson, EB Foa, MR Liebowitz, JD Huppert, S Cahill, MJ Maher, ...
JAMA psychiatry 70 (11), 1190-1199, 2013
Response versus remission in obsessive-compulsive disorder
HB Simpson, JD Huppert, E Petkova, EB Foa, MR Liebowitz
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 67 (2), 269-276, 2006
Cortical abnormalities associated with pediatric and adult obsessive-compulsive disorder: findings from the ENIGMA Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Working Group
PSW Boedhoe, L Schmaal, Y Abe, P Alonso, SH Ameis, A Anticevic, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 175 (5), 453-462, 2018
The classification of obsessive–compulsive and related disorders in the ICD-11
DJ Stein, CS Kogan, M Atmaca, NA Fineberg, LF Fontenelle, JE Grant, ...
Journal of affective disorders 190, 663-674, 2016
Impulse control disorders and “behavioural addictions” in the ICD-11
JE Grant, M Atmaca, NA Fineberg, LF Fontenelle, H Matsunaga, ...
World Psychiatry 13 (2), 125, 2014
Treatment response, symptom remission, and wellness in obsessive-compulsive disorder
SG Farris, CP McLean, PE Van Meter, HB Simpson, EB Foa
The Journal of clinical psychiatry 74 (7), 21639, 2013
Fluoxetine in children and adolescents with OCD: a placebo-controlled trial
MR Liebowitz, SM Turner, J Piacentini, DC Beidel, SR Clarvit, SO Davies, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 41 (12 …, 2002
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