Joanna Duda
Joanna Duda
zarz.agh.edu.pl의 이메일 확인됨
Explaining SME performance with fsQCA: The role of entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneur motivation, and opportunity perception
R Kusa, J Duda, M Suder
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 6 (4), 234-245, 2021
Importance of sustainable mineral resource management in implementing the circular economy (CE) model and the European green deal strategy
M Smol, P Marcinek, J Duda, D Szołdrowska
Resources 9 (5), 55, 2020
Transformation towards circular economy (CE) in municipal waste management system: Model solutions for Poland
M Smol, J Duda, A Czaplicka-Kotas, D Szołdrowska
Sustainability 12 (11), 4561, 2020
Relations of GDP growth and development of SMEs in Poland
M Woźniak, J Duda, A Gąsior, T Bernat
Procedia Computer Science 159, 2470-2480, 2019
How to sustain company growth in times of crisis: The mitigating role of entrepreneurial management
R Kusa, J Duda, M Suder
Journal of business research 142, 377-386, 2022
Mierzenie ilości i jakości usług publicznych jako element programu rozwoju instytucjonalnego
J Duda, A Jeżowski, W Misiąg, B Nowak, J Szlachta, J Zaleski
Instytut Badań nad Gospodarką Rynkową, Warszawa, 2004
At the crossroad of digital and tourism entrepreneurship: mediating effect of digitalization in hospitality industry
M Suder, J Duda, R Kusa, A Mora-Cruz
European Journal of Innovation Management 27 (4), 1057-1081, 2024
Entrepreneurial behaviors that shape performance in small family and non-family hotels during times of crisis
R Kusa, M Suder, B Barbosa, B Glinka, J Duda
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 18 (4), 1545-1575, 2022
Efektywne metody zarządzania w administracji publicznej
J Zaleski, C Kociński, A Solecki, B Turowski, S Wysocki, J Duda, W Skiba, ...
Raport Programu Reformy Administracji Publicznej, Warszawa, Instytut Spraw …, 2000
Renewable energy promotion instruments used by innovation brokers in a technology transfer network. Case study of the enterprise Europe network
Z Gródek-Szostak, M Suder, R Kusa, A Szeląg-Sikora, J Duda, M Niemiec
Energies 13 (21), 5752, 2020
Impact of greening on performance in the hospitality industry: Moderating effect of flexibility and inter-organizational cooperation
R Kusa, M Suder, J Duda
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 190, 122423, 2023
Siedmiowymiarowy model aspiracji życiowych Kassera i Ryana: analiza trafności i rzetelności narzędzia
AM Zawadzka, J Duda, R Rymkiewicz, B Kondratowicz-Nowak
Psychologia społeczna 1 (32), 100-111, 2015
How small printing firms alleviate impact of pandemic crisis? Identifying configurations of successful strategies with fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis
M Suder, R Kusa, J Duda, M Dunska
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 10 (2), 61-80, 2022
Development of roadmap for photovoltaic solar technologies and market in Poland
J Duda, R Kusa, S Pietruszko, M Smol, M Suder, J Teneta, T Wójtowicz, ...
Energies 15 (1), 174, 2021
Stress/immune biomarkers in saliva among children with ADHD status
A Krahel, E Paszynska, A Slopien, M Gawriolek, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (2), 769, 2021
Correlation of metabolic parameters, neurotrophin-3, and neurotrophin-4 serum levels in women with schizophrenia and first-onset depression
M Skibinska, P Kapelski, A Rajewska-Rager, A Szczepankiewicz, ...
Nordic journal of psychiatry 73 (2), 96-103, 2019
Role of entrepreneurial orientation, information management, and knowledge management in improving firm performance
R Kusa, M Suder, J Duda
International Journal of Information Management 78, 102802, 2024
Elevated brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) serum levels in an acute episode of schizophrenia in polish women: Correlation with clinical and metabolic parameters.
M Skibinska, P Kapelski, A Rajewska-Rager, A Szczepankiewicz, ...
Psychiatry Research 271, 89-95, 2019
Entrepreneurial orientation in high-tech and low-tech SMEs in Malopolska region
M Codogni, J Duda, R Kusa
Managerial Economics 18 (1), 7-7, 2017
Decyzje inwestycyjne przedsiębiorstw polskich z sektora MŚP
J Duda
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2009
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