Su Won Lee
Su Won Lee
postech.ac.kr의 이메일 확인됨
Evaluation of thermal-hydraulic performance and economics of Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger (PCHE) for recuperators of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors (SFRs) using CO2 and N2 as …
SW Lee, SM Shin, SK Chung, HJ Jo
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 54 (5), 1874-1889, 2022
Experimental study of printed-circuit heat exchangers with airfoil and straight channels for optimized recuperators in nitrogen Brayton cycle
S Chung, SW Lee, N Kim, SM Shin, MH Kim, HJ Jo
Applied Thermal Engineering 218, 119348, 2023
Two-phase pressure drop analysis of swirl tube in one-side high heat load condition for plasma facing component application
JH Lim, SW Lee, D Hwang, H Oh, M Park, MH Kim, HJ Jo
Physica Scripta 96 (12), 125606, 2021
New correlation to predict the onset of flow instability (OFI) heat flux of one-side heated hypervapotron channel for fusion reactor application
JH Lim, SW Lee, M Park, H Oh, D Hwang, MH Kim, HJ Jo
Physica Scripta 96 (12), 125614, 2021
Heat-transfer characteristics of screw tube in one-side high heat load condition for fusion reactor divertor application
JH Lim, SW Lee, H Oh, M Park, D Hwang, MH Kim, HJ Jo
International Journal of Advanced Nuclear Reactor Design and Technology 3 …, 2021
Cycle analysis and economic evaluation for seawater-LNG Organic Rankine Cycles
SW Lee, JG Kwon, MH Kim, HJ Jo
Energy 234, 121259, 2021
Development of a novel two-phase pressure drop multiplier correlation of screw tube for fusion reactor safety
JH Lim, SW Lee, H Oh, D Hwang, M Park, MH Kim, HJ Jo
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 49 (11), 3671-3681, 2021
Onset of flow instability with one-side heated swirl tube for fusion reactor safety
JH Lim, SW Lee, H Oh, M Park, D Hwang, MH Kim, HJ Jo
Nuclear Fusion 62 (1), 016016, 2021
Design of heat pipe cooled microreactor based on cycle analysis and evaluation of applicability for remote regions
SW Lee, Y Lee, N Kim, HJ Jo
Energy Conversion and Management 288, 117126, 2023
핵융합로 적용을 위한 Hypervapotron 채널의 핀 각도 기울임을 통한 냉각성능 증진에 대한 실험적연구
임지환, 박민규, 오훈교, 이수원, 황돈관, 김무환, 조항진
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 58-58, 2021
핵융합로 적용을 위한 단면 열속부하된 Screw tube 의 과냉 유동비등에 대한 실험적연구
임지환, 박민규, 오훈교, 이수원, 황돈관, 김무환, 조항진
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 57-57, 2021
A novel integrated PDB-FDB model for the prediction of flow boiling heat transfer under high sub-cooling and very high heat flux conditions
JH Lim, H Oh, SW Lee, M Park, SY Lee, HJ Jo
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 208, 124051, 2023
Condensation heat transfer and applicability assessment of a printed circuit heat exchanger as a condenser in a cryogenic CO2 capture and storage system
SW Lee, Y Lee, Y Lee, HJ Jo
Applied Thermal Engineering 261, 125133, 2025
Mitigation of fouling with swirling flow induced in 3-D double-sided straight channel for printed circuit heat exchanger
SM Shin, SW Lee, S Chung, N Kim, MH Kim, HJ Jo
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 233, 125982, 2024
PCHE (Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger) 를 이용한 고온에서의 열 회복을 고려한 2 단계 열화학적 수소 생산 방식의 효율 및 경제성 분석
이석용, 나웅진, 이수원, 정성균, 조항진
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 237-240, 2021
질소 브레이튼 사이클 복열기 설계를 위한 직관형 PCHE 의 실험적 연구
정성균, 김남형, 이수원, 신성민, 조항진
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 249-249, 2021
Thermodynamic Analysis and Economic Evaluation of Supercritical Co2 Recompression Brayton Cycle for Heat Pipe Cooled Microreactor
SW Lee, HJ Jo, Y Lee, N Kim
Available at SSRN 4196775, 0
Theoretical modeling of liquid film and force effects in a printed circuit heat exchanger
SW Lee, JH Choi, SY Lee, HJ Jo
Applied Thermal Engineering, 125630, 2025
양면 직관 PCHE 채널 내 초임계 이산화탄소의 열수력 성능에 대한 평가
신성민, 이수원, 정성균, 김남형, 조항진
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 176-176, 2023
낮은 Pe 수에서 액체금속 전열관 다발 직교유동의 열전달 상관식에 대한 수치적 평가
김남형, 최재현, 신성민, 이수원, 조항진
대한기계학회 춘추학술대회, 98-101, 2022
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