Erin Meier
Erin Meier
Northeastern University
northeastern.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Changes in task-based effective connectivity in language networks following rehabilitation in post-stroke patients with aphasia
S Kiran, EL Meier, KJ Kapse, PA Glynn
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 316, 2015
Nonlinguistic cognitive factors predict treatment-induced recovery in chronic poststroke aphasia
N Gilmore, EL Meier, JP Johnson, S Kiran
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 100 (7), 1251-1258, 2019
Neuroplasticity in aphasia: a proposed framework of language recovery
S Kiran, EL Meier, JP Johnson
Journal of speech, language, and hearing research 62 (11), 3973-3985, 2019
Typicality-based semantic treatment for anomia results in multiple levels of generalisation
N Gilmore, EL Meier, JP Johnson, S Kiran
Neuropsychological rehabilitation 30 (5), 802-828, 2020
The utility of lesion classification in predicting language and treatment outcomes in chronic stroke-induced aphasia
EL Meier, JP Johnson, Y Pan, S Kiran
Brain imaging and behavior 13, 1510-1525, 2019
The relationship between frontotemporal effective connectivity during picture naming, behavior, and preserved cortical tissue in chronic aphasia
EL Meier, KJ Kapse, S Kiran
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 109, 2016
Digital 3D brain MRI arterial territories atlas
CF Liu, J Hsu, X Xu, G Kim, SM Sheppard, EL Meier, MI Miller, AE Hillis, ...
Scientific Data 10 (1), 74, 2023
Treatment-related changes in neural activation vary according to treatment response and extent of spared tissue in patients with chronic aphasia
JP Johnson, EL Meier, Y Pan, S Kiran
Cortex 121, 147-168, 2019
Left frontotemporal effective connectivity during semantic feature judgments in patients with chronic aphasia and age-matched healthy controls
EL Meier, JP Johnson, S Kiran
Cortex 108, 173-192, 2018
Does naming therapy make ordering in a restaurant easier? Dynamics of co-occurring change in cognitive-linguistic and functional communication skills in aphasia
EL Meier, JP Johnson, S Villard, S Kiran
American journal of speech-language pathology 26 (2), 266-280, 2017
Understanding semantic and phonological processing deficits in adults with aphasia: Effects of category and typicality
EL Meier, M Lo, S Kiran
Aphasiology 30 (6), 719-749, 2016
Neural regions underlying object and action naming: Complementary evidence from acute stroke and primary progressive aphasia
BL Breining, AV Faria, B Caffo, EL Meier, SM Sheppard, R Sebastian, ...
Aphasiology 36 (6), 732-760, 2022
A lesion and connectivity-based hierarchical model of chronic aphasia recovery dissociates patients and healthy controls
EL Meier, JP Johnson, Y Pan, S Kiran
NeuroImage: Clinical 23, 101919, 2019
Pre-treatment graph measures of a functional semantic network are associated with naming therapy outcomes in chronic aphasia
JP Johnson, EL Meier, Y Pan, S Kiran
Brain and language 207, 104809, 2020
Characterizing subtypes and neural correlates of receptive aprosodia in acute right hemisphere stroke
SM Sheppard, EL Meier, AZ Durfee, A Walker, J Shea, AE Hillis
Cortex 141, 36-54, 2021
The role of microstructural integrity of major language pathways in narrative speech in the first year after stroke
Z Keser, EL Meier, MD Stockbridge, AE Hillis
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 29 (9), 105078, 2020
Investigating gray and white matter structural substrates of sex differences in the narrative abilities of healthy adults
G Angelopoulou, EL Meier, D Kasselimis, Y Pan, D Tsolakopoulos, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 13, 1424, 2020
Thalamic nuclei and thalamocortical pathways after left hemispheric stroke and their association with picture naming
Z Keser, EL Meier, MD Stockbridge, BL Breining, R Sebastian, AE Hillis
Brain connectivity 11 (7), 553-565, 2021
Visuomotor figure construction and visual figure delayed recall and recognition in primary progressive aphasia
DC Tippett, B Breining, E Goldberg, E Meier, SM Sheppard, E Sherry, ...
Aphasiology 34 (12), 1456-1470, 2020
Naming errors and dysfunctional tissue metrics predict language recovery after acute left hemisphere stroke
EL Meier, SM Sheppard, EB Goldberg, CR Head, DM Ubellacker, ...
Neuropsychologia 148, 107651, 2020
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