Pınar Tözün
PLP: page latch-free shared-everything OLTP
I Pandis, P Tözün, FR Johnson, A Ailamaki
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 4 (11), 610-621, 2011
Hybrid transactional/analytical processing: A survey
F Özcan, Y Tian, P Tözün
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data …, 2017
OLTP on hardware islands
D Porobic, I Pandis, M Branco, P Tözün, A Ailamaki
arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.0227, 2012
ATraPos: Adaptive transaction processing on hardware Islands
D Porobic, E Liarou, P Tözün, A Ailamaki
2014 IEEE 30th International Conference on Data Engineering, 688-699, 2014
From A to E: analyzing TPC's OLTP benchmarks: the obsolete, the ubiquitous, the unexplored
P Tözün, I Pandis, C Kaynak, D Jevdjic, A Ailamaki
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Extending Database …, 2013
Micro-architectural Analysis of In-memory OLTP
U Sirin, P Tözün, D Porobic, A Ailamaki
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data, 387-402, 2016
DAPHNE: An Open and Extensible System Infrastructure for Integrated Data Analysis Pipelines
P Damme, M Birkenbach, C Bitsakos, M Boehm, P Bonnet, F Ciorba, ...
CIDR, 2022
Open-Channel SSD (What is it Good For)
I Picoli, N Hedam, P Bonnet, P Tozun
Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), 2020
Evolving Databases for New-Gen Big Data Applications
R Barber, C Garcia-Arellano, R Grosman, R Mueller, V Raman, R Sidle, ...
CIDR, 2017
Slicc: Self-assembly of instruction cache collectives for oltp workloads
I Atta, P Tözün, A Ailamaki, A Moshovos
2012 45th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 188-198, 2012
OLTP in wonderland: Where do cache misses come from in major OLTP components?
P Tözün, B Gold, A Ailamaki
Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Data Management on New …, 2013
Dynamic fine-grained scheduling for energy-efficient main-memory queries
I Psaroudakis, T Kissinger, D Porobic, T Ilsche, E Liarou, P Tözün, ...
Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Data Management on New …, 2014
STREX: boosting instruction cache reuse in OLTP workloads through stratified transaction execution
I Atta, P Tözün, X Tong, A Ailamaki, A Moshovos
Proceedings of the 40th Annual International Symposium on Computer …, 2013
Umzi: Unified multi-zone indexing for large-scale HTAP
C Luo, P Tözün, Y Tian, R Barber, V Raman, R Sidle
Advances in Database Technology-22nd International Conference on Extending …, 2019
Scalable and dynamically balanced shared-everything OLTP with physiological partitioning
P Tözün, I Pandis, R Johnson, A Ailamaki
The VLDB Journal 22, 151-175, 2013
Wildfire: Concurrent Blazing Data Ingest and Analytics
R Barber, M Huras, G Lohman, C Mohan, R Mueller, F Ozcan, H Pirahesh, ...
SIGMOD, 2077--2080, 2016
Hybrid anomaly detection model on trusted IoT devices
PD Rosero-Montalvo, Z István, P Tözün, W Hernandez
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (12), 10959-10969, 2023
Addict: Advanced instruction chasing for transactions
P Tözün, I Atta, A Ailamaki, A Moshovos
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7 (14), 1893-1904, 2014
Indexing for evolving large-scale datasets in multi-master hybrid transactional and analytical processing systems
RJ Barber, V Raman, R Sidle, Y Tian, P Tozun, C Luo, AJ Storm, ...
US Patent 11,182,356, 2021
Wiser: A highly available HTAP DBMS for iot applications
R Barber, C Garcia-Arellano, R Grosman, G Lohman, C Mohan, R Muller, ...
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 268-277, 2019
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