Bálint Üveges
Bálint Üveges
postdoctoral researcher, Bangor University
bangor.ac.uk의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Endocrine disruptors in breeding ponds and reproductive health of toads in agricultural, urban and natural landscapes
V Bókony, B Üveges, N Ujhegyi, V Verebélyi, E Nemesházi, O Csíkvári, ...
Science of the Total Environment 634, 1335-1345, 2018
Toads phenotypically adjust their chemical defences to anthropogenic habitat change
V Bókony, B Üveges, V Verebélyi, N Ujhegyi, ÁM Móricz
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 3163, 2019
Variation in Chemical Defense Among Natural Populations of Common Toad, Bufo bufo, Tadpoles: the Role of Environmental Factors
V Bókony, ÁM Móricz, Z Tóth, Z Gál, A Kurali, Z Mikó, K Pásztor, ...
Journal of Chemical Ecology 42, 329-338, 2016
Species distribution modelling leads to the discovery of new populations of one of the least known European snakes, Vipera ursinii graeca, in Albania
E Mizsei, B Üveges, B Vági, M Szabolcs, S Lengyel, WP Pfliegler, ...
Amphibia-Reptilia 37 (1), 55-68, 2016
Age-and environment-dependent changes in chemical defences of larval and post-metamorphic toads
B Üveges, G Fera, ÁM Móricz, D Krüzselyi, V Bókony, A Hettyey
BMC evolutionary biology 17, 1-10, 2017
Novel genetic sex markers reveal high frequency of sex reversal in wild populations of the agile frog (Rana dalmatina) associated with anthropogenic land use
E Nemesházi, Z Gál, N Ujhegyi, V Verebélyi, Z Mikó, B Üveges, KK Lefler, ...
Molecular Ecology 29 (19), 3607-3621, 2020
Competition induces increased toxin production in toad larvae without allelopathic effects on heterospecific tadpoles
V Bókony, B Üveges, ÁM Móricz, A Hettyey
Functional Ecology 32 (3), 667-675, 2018
Experimental evidence for beneficial effects of projected climate change on hibernating amphibians
B Üveges, K Mahr, M Szederkényi, V Bókony, H Hoi, A Hettyey
Scientific reports 6 (1), 26754, 2016
Predator‐induced changes in the chemical defence of a vertebrate
A Hettyey, B Üveges, ÁM Móricz, L Drahos, RJ Capon, J Van Buskirk, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (12), 1925-1935, 2019
Chemical defense of toad tadpoles under risk by four predator species
B Üveges, M Szederkényi, K Mahr, ÁM Móricz, D Krüzselyi, V Bókony, ...
Ecology and Evolution 9 (11), 6287-6299, 2019
Characteristics and heritability analysis of head scales of the Hungarian meadow viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis, Méhely 1893)
B Üveges, B Halpern, T Péchy, J Posta, I Komlósi
Amphibia-Reptilia 33 (3-4), 393-400, 2012
Chemical defence effective against multiple enemies: Does the response to conspecifics alleviate the response to predators?
B Üveges, AC Basson, ÁM Móricz, V Bókony, A Hettyey
Functional Ecology 35 (10), 2294-2304, 2021
Novel genetic sex markers reveal unexpected lack of, and similar susceptibility to, sex reversal in free‐living common toads in both natural and anthropogenic habitats
E Nemesházi, G Sramkó, L Laczkó, E Balogh, L Szatmári, N Vili, ...
Molecular Ecology 31 (7), 2032-2043, 2022
Metamorphic common toads keep chytrid infection under control, but at a cost
A Kásler, J Ujszegi, D Holly, B Üveges, ÁM Móricz, D Herczeg, A Hettyey
Journal of Zoology 317 (3), 159-169, 2022
Experimental evidence for beneficial effects of projected climate change on hibernating amphibians. Sci. Rep. 6, 26754
B Üveges, K Mahr, M Szederkényi, V Bókony, H Hoi, A Hettyey
Novel defensive behaviours of both sexes of Vipera ursinii graeca (Serpentes: Viperidae)
E Mizsei, B Üveges
Herpetology Notes 5, 481-483, 2012
High standing diversity masks extreme genetic erosion in a declining snake
AV Pozzi, JB Owens, B Üveges, T Major, E Morris, S Graham, A Togridou, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.09. 19.557540, 2023
Voluntary thermal maximum of grassland vipers (Vipera spp.): environmental drivers and local adaptation
D Radovics, T Sos, K Mebert, B Üveges, M Budai, G Rák, M Szabolcs, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 201 (1), 159-168, 2024
Predation on the Endangered Hungarian Meadow Viper in Pastures and Hayfields: Insights From Plasticine Models
A Móré, B Üveges, J Simics, D Radovics, G Kovács, B Bancsik, B Wenner, ...
Rangeland Ecology & Management 95, 68-76, 2024
Does the glucocorticoid stress response make toads more toxic? An experimental study on the regulation of bufadienolide toxin synthesis
B Üveges, C Kalina, K Szabó, ÁM Móricz, D Holly, CR Gabor, A Hettyey, ...
Integrative Organismal Biology 5 (1), obad021, 2023
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