Haochen Mu
Haochen Mu
uowmail.edu.au의 이메일 확인됨
A defect detection system for wire arc additive manufacturing using incremental learning
Y Li, J Polden, Z Pan, J Cui, C Xia, F He, H Mu, H Li, L Wang
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 27, 100291, 2022
Toward a smart wire arc additive manufacturing system: A review on current developments and a framework of digital twin
H Mu, F He, L Yuan, P Commins, H Wang, Z Pan
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 67, 174-189, 2023
Research and application of artificial intelligence techniques for wire arc additive manufacturing: a state-of-the-art review
F He, L Yuan, H Mu, M Ros, D Ding, Z Pan, H Li
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 82, 102525, 2023
Layer-by-layer model-based adaptive control for wire arc additive manufacturing of thin-wall structures
H Mu, J Polden, Y Li, F He, C Xia, Z Pan
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 33 (4), 1165-1180, 2022
Online distortion simulation using generative machine learning models: A step toward digital twin of metallic additive manufacturing
H Mu, F He, L Yuan, H Hatamian, P Commins, Z Pan
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 38, 100563, 2024
MIMO model predictive control of bead geometry in wire arc additive manufacturing
H Mu, Z Pan, Y Li, F He, J Polden, C Xia
2021 IEEE 11th Annual International Conference on CYBER Technology in …, 2021
A digital shadow approach for enhancing process monitoring in wire arc additive manufacturing using sensor fusion
H Mu, F He, L Yuan, P Commins, D Ding, Z Pan
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 40, 100609, 2024
Defect Detection and Process Monitoring for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Using Machine Learning
H Mu, Z Chen, F He, Y Li, C Xia, P Commins, Z Pan
International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation, 3-22, 2020
Integrating human expertise to optimize the fabrication of parts with complex geometries in WAAM
F He, L Yuan, H Mu, M Ros, D Ding, H Li, Z Pan
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 74, 858-868, 2024
Machine Learning in Process Monitoring and Control for Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing
Y Li, H Mu, Z Yu, C Xia, Z Pan, H Li
International Conference on Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation, 33-43, 2020
High-Frequency Real-Time Bead Geometry Measurement in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Based on Welding Signals
H Mu, F He, L Yuan, P Commins, J Xu, Z Pan
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024
Fabricating complex parts through optimizing weld bead geometry in WAAM: A comparative study of surface tension transfer and cold metal transfer
F He, L Yuan, H Mu, M Ros, D Ding, H Li, Z Pan
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 131, 1498-1513, 2024
Digital Twin of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
H Mu
University of Wollongong, 2024
A Physics-Informed Machine Learning Approach for Temperature Field Prediction in Metallic Additive Manufacturing
Z Chen, H Mu, F He, Y Lei, H Zhu, N Ma, Z Pan
Available at SSRN 5037876, 0
A Machine Learning Approach for Real-Time Measuring the Bead Geometry in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Using Welding Electric Signals
H Mu, F He, Y Lei, P Commins, Z Pan
Available at SSRN 4355851, 0
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