Theresia Gunawan
Network ties and entrepreneurial orientation: Innovative performance of SMEs in a developing country
T Gunawan, J Jacob, G Duysters
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 12, 575-599, 2016
Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Citra Merek Dan Niat Beli
N Suwarsih, T Gunawan, I Istiharini
Journal of Economic, Bussines and Accounting (COSTING) 4 (2), 712-730, 2021
Entrepreneurial orientation and network ties: Innovative performance of SMEs in an emerging-economy manufacturing cluster
T Gunawan, J Jacob, G Duysters
Maastrict School of Management Working Paper 23, 2013
Ambidexterity and innovation in cluster SMEs: evidence from Indonesian manufacturing
J Jacob, MQ Mei, T Gunawan, G Duysters
Industry and Innovation 29 (8), 948-968, 2022
Inovasi untuk mewujudkan desa unggul dan berkelanjutan
PS Prasetyo, T Gunawan, T Rachmawati, TS Herwanto, KW Wicaksono
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2017
Green strategy perusahaan plastik dalam menghadapi tantangan lingkungan dan pemerintah
T Gunawan, MA Ferdhian
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis 16 (1), 57-69, 2020
Women entrepreneurs: A study of Indonesian female evidence and perception for becoming entrepreneurs
S Sunanto, A Gunawan, T Gunawan, MP van Dijk
Problemy Zarządzania, 2017
Exploring the Influence of Omnichannel Experience on Trust and Repurchase Intention in Retail Companies: Evidence from Indonesia
RS Bahri, M Susan, T Gunawan
Journal of Law and Sustainable Development 11 (2), e631-e631, 2023
Rancangan Human Resources Analytics Untuk Pelatihan Karyawan Pemasaran Penjualan Di Restoran X
TEP Gusti, T Gunawan, A Gunawan
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis 18 (2), 167-188, 2022
The determinants of innovative performance: a study of SMEs in a developing country
T Gunawan
A Conceptual Framework of Mobile Payment System Adoption and Use in Southeast Asia
A Chang, T Gunawan, U Sumarwan
JAS (Journal of ASEAN Studies) 11 (2), 2023
Customer Experience Of Multi-Service Platform: The Mediating Role Between Brand Extension Strategy And Brand Image
D Hermawan, T Gunawan, Z Li
Dinasti International Journal of Management Science 2 (1), 149-161, 2020
The influence of debt-to-equity ratio, capital intensity ratio, and profitability on effective tax rate in the tourism sector
G Salim
J. Gov. Regul 12 (1), 2023
Rancangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Human Resources Analytics Pt. Bank X
A Harnadi, T Gunawan, A Gunawan
Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis 18 (2), 189-203, 2022
Pengaruh Persepsi Harga Dan Kualitas Terhadap Niat Beli Ulang Produk Private Label Brand (Non-Food Category) Di Toserba Yogya & Griya Kota Bandung
RF Ratnafuri, T Gunawan, I Istiharini
Journal of Management: Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) 15 (3), 317-333, 2022
The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Personal Selling on Purchase intention during the pandemic Covid-19: The Case of Discovery Property Agency
R Giovanni, T Gunawan
Proceeding of International Conference on Business and Banking Innovations 4 …, 2022
Innovation to establish prominent and sustainable village
PS Prasetyo, T Rachmawati, T Gunawan, TS Herwanto, KW Wicaksono
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Indonesia Office, 2017
Innovation and competitiveness of Asian companies in facing globalization
T Gunawan
www. icib. eu, 128, 2010
Effect Instagram On Purchase Intention By Brand Awareness During Pandemic
W Sugana, T Gunawan
Jurnal Riset Bisnis dan Manajemen Volume 15 (No.2), 117-124, 2022
Teamwork and innovation: The moderating role of reward in the fashion industry
T Gunawan, SDA Saraswati
International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 293-XV, 2018
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