Agung W. Setiawan
Agung W. Setiawan
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung
stei.itb.ac.id의 이메일 확인됨
Color retinal image enhancement using CLAHE
AW Setiawan, TLER Mengko, OS Santoso, AB Suksmono
ICT for Smart Society (ICISS), 2013 International Conference on, 1-3, 2013
Image segmentation metrics in skin lesion: accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, dice coefficient, Jaccard index, and Matthews correlation coefficient
AW Setiawan
2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering, Network, and …, 2020
Low-cost pressure sensor matrix using velostat
SS Suprapto, AW Setiawan, H Zakaria, W Adiprawita, B Supartono
2017 5th International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications …, 2017
Mobile cataract detection using optimal combination of statistical texture analysis
YN Fuadah, AW Setiawan, TLR Mengko
2015 4th international conference on instrumentation, communications …, 2015
Performing high accuracy of the system for cataract detection using statistical texture analysis and K-Nearest Neighbor
YN Fuadah, AW Setiawan, TLR Mengko
2015 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2015
Effect of color enhancement on early detection of skin cancer using convolutional neural network
AW Setiawan
2020 IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling …, 2020
Deteksi Dini Kanker Kulit menggunakan K-NN dan convolutional neural network
TR Savera, WH Suryawan, AW Setiawan
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer 7 (2), 373-378, 2020
Early detection of tuberculosis using chest X-Ray (CXR) with computer-aided diagnosis
I Gabriella, SA Kamarga, AW Setiawan
2018 2nd international conference on biomedical engineering (IBIOMED), 76-79, 2018
Extracting blood flow parameters from Photoplethysmograph signals: A review
N Utami, AW Setiawan, H Zakaria, TR Mengko, R Mengko
2013 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications …, 2013
Heart disease prediction using K-nearest neighbor
D Rahmat, AA Putra, AW Setiawan
2021 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics …, 2021
Classification of palm oil fresh fruit bunch using multiband optical sensors
AW Setiawan, R Mengko, APH Putri, D Danudirdjo, AR Ananda
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 9 (4), 2386, 2019
Design and realization of low-cost wireless remote infusion monitoring system
AW Setiawan, N Yenas, D Welsan
2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and …, 2018
Implementation of electronic medical record in community health center towards medical big data analytics application
AW Setiawan, N Utami, TR Mengko, A Indrayanto
2014 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science …, 2014
Effect of image downsizing and color reduction on skin cancer pre-screening
AW Setiawan, A Faisal, N Resfita
2020 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2020
Palm oil fresh fruit bunch grading system using multispectral image analysis in HSV
AW Setiawan, OE Prasetya
2020 IEEE International Conference on Informatics, IoT, and Enabling …, 2020
Electric wheelchair control using wrist rotation based on analysis of muscle fatigue
MI Rusydi, K Hadi, AW Setiawan, I Reni, H Nugroho, N Windasari
IEEE Access 10, 102907-102918, 2022
Detection of malaria parasites using thresholding in RGB, YCbCr and lab color spaces
AW Setiawan, A Faisal, N Resfita, YA Rahman
2021 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and …, 2021
Effect of CT-scan image resizing, enhancement and normalization on accuracy of covid-19 detection
NG Pratiwi, Y Nabila, R Fiqraini, AW Setiawan
2021 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications …, 2021
Development of an web-based wearable gait recognition system using gyroscope and accelerometer sensors
AW Setiawan, F Muhammad, A Hidayat
2020 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and …, 2020
Recognition of sign language hand gestures using leap motion sensor based on threshold and ANN models
MI Rusydi, S Syafii, R Hadelina, E Kimin, AW Setiawan, A Rusydi
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9 (2), 473-483, 2020
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